Hello Friends! As we prepare for a weekend of forecasted beautiful summer weather, here are some words for us from Paul's letter to the church in Philippi...
"My God shall supply all your need according to God's riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19 KJV) Rising prices. Increasing bills. Worsening debt. Unexpected costs, or even expected ones, can end up being more than we can pay. Add to that the needs of others in our communities, schools, churches, and institutions as funding is cut and budgets are stretched. We are being asked to give increasingly more as individuals to support public programs and local schools. There have been certain years when we have felt more strongly the effects of our nation's sometimes struggling economy. Most of us will certainly face financial challenges of some sort in the future. Natural circumstances might not offer much hope, but God always promises to meet our needs. God calls himself Jehovah Jireh -- the God who provides -- in the Old Testament. And in the New Testament we are told that all our needs are met according to God's riches in glory. In uncertain times, it is good to have a certain word about God's will to meet our needs. So, join me in praying, Meet my need, O Lord, when income is uncertain, or extra costs spring up by surprise. When gas and utility prices skyrocket or there seems to be no way to make ends meet, remember that God will provide. +++ On Sunday we gather for worship at 9:00am and I will continue my sermon series entitled What Would Jesus Do? This week's installment encourages us to be The Imitation of Christ. What would our lives look like if we committed to be imitators of Jesus? And how would the world be different if we could achieve that goal? Come and think this through with me on Sunday! We will, of course, "live stream" worship at 9:00am on the church's Facebook page and then "upload" the recorded worship to our YouTube channel after the service is completed. +++ This week is the last opportunity to help up Fill The Outhouse in the Sanctuary! We are collecting toilet paper and other hygiene items that cannot be purchased using SNAP benefits for delivery to our local food pantry at St. Joseph's Church. Can you help us fill the outhouse to overflowing? (Sorry... bad choice of words, I guess!) Bring your donations to worship on Sunday as we complete this mission project! Thanks +++ Thanks to Shelley and Mike Block and all of our Mission Team we were able to deliver $1,000 worth of emergency supplies to neighbors in storm damaged neighborhoods of Rome, NY on Monday! The pictures of this effort have been on our Facebook page and will be on display during worship on Sunday! Great job to all and thanks for your support of our mission efforts here at Immanuel! +++ One more word from Missions... we are planning a mission trip to help repair flood damage in Vermont in September and there is a planning meeting here at Immanuel on Tuesday, August 13th at 7:00pm. Please plan to attend the meeting and talk to Mike Block for additional information! We need people with all levels of skills to make this trip work! +++ Registrations are also coming in for:
+++ United Methodist night at the ballpark is August 22 at 6:35pm. For more information click here. Tickets are $18 and must be ordered by July 31. Make this day a great day and I hope to see you in worship on Sunday! Pastor Jack Today my reading takes me into the Book of Ezekiel...
"I looked for someone to stand up for me against all this, to repair the defenses of the city, to take a stand for me and stand in the gap to protect this land so I wouldn't have to destroy it." (Ezekiel 22:30 MSG) Our hearts go out to those we love. When they hurt, we hurt. We want to offer them our strength and give them courage -- but we also want them to mature and grow in Christ. And you know, God must feel the same way toward those God loves. God has already made the ultimate sacrifice by taking our sin upon himself at the Cross. He paid a high price that we might be counted righteous and therefore inherit all the blessings promised to God's covenant people. But we must learn and then re-learn how to trust in God. Interceding for those we love, holding them up before the Lord and covering them in prayer, is the best help we can offer. Empathy, advice, and all sorts of good intentions won't ever compare to the power of prayer. Laying down your life or making great personal sacrifice might be heroic, but not necessarily effective. The most trustworthy and loving thing we can do as Christians is to stand in the gap through prayer for those we love -- just as Christ stood in the gap for us. So when your friends or relatives are going through a difficult time, or a situation seems hopeless you can join me in praying, Bless my loved ones, O Lord. Amen. +++ This week we continue on our summer worship schedule with worship beginning at 9:00am in the Sanctuary. And this Sunday, I will begin a summer worship series, "What Would Jesus Do?" For the next few weeks I'll be looking at how Jesus responded to some of the same situations that we face in our lives. And this first week I'll be thinking about "Living in a Material World". I think Jesus has lots to say to us about materialism and I hope you'll be here to think this through with me. As always, our musicians will offer us some wonderful Special Music and together we will praise God's holy name here in the Sanctuary. If you can't join us in person, check us out on the church's Facebook page when we "live-stream" the worship service at 9:00am... or you can watch a recorded version that we "upload" to our YouTube channel when worship is complete. However you can, be sure to join us for worship on Sunday! +++ We have just a couple of weeks left to complete our "Fill the Outhouse" project in the Sanctuary. We are collecting hygiene items, like toilet paper, that cannot be purchased using SNAP benefits to resupply our community food pantry at St. Joseph's Church. Don't forget your donations over the next two weeks! Thanks! +++ Mike Block and our Mission Team are helping to organize a mission work trip in September to head to Vermont to help with flood relief efforts. An informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 13th at 7:00pm here at the church. We need lots of folks, with many different skill levels, to make this trip a success! Speak to Mike with your immediate questions or to let him know you plan to attend the 8/13 planning meeting. +++ On-line registrations continue on the church website for:
Make this day a great day and remember to pray, Bless my loved ones, O Lord. Amen. Pastor Jack Happy Friday Friends! As another workweek comes to an end and we prepare for a joyous time of worship on Sunday, I read these words in Paul's letter to the Romans....
"There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1 NIV) Sometimes I find that those who oppose us want nothing more than to cause us shame. They point their finger, place blame, give haughty looks, and speak in ways that make us feel inferior. And likewise, our spiritual enemy has been called the "accuser of the brethren" because his main objective is to make sure we feel guilty, unworthy and condemned (Revelations 12:10 KJV). He keeps us down by attempting to erode our self-image. The New Testament is just full of illustrations describing the changes Christ has brought about in us. We are new creatures, forgiven, made righteous, beloved children of God, more than conquerors, kings, priests, a holy nation. We have been called to glory and virtue. James likens the Bible to a mirror in which we see a reflection of how God sees us in Christ. (See James 1:23). Allow God's mercy to restore you, God's grace to refresh you, and press on toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. So this week, whenever you regret something you've said or done, or you feel foolish or unworthy, or guilty about your past, just join me in praying, Take away my shame, O God. Amen. +++ This coming Sunday, July 14th we worship again at 9:00am and we will welcome Rev. Bill Gottshcalk-Fielding! Colin is back leading our music and our prayer-conditioned (and air conditioned) Sanctuary is ready to welcome you and your friends to this time of joyful praise and worship. We'll save you a seat and we hope to see you on Sunday. We also will continue to "live-stream" the worship on the church's Facebook page at 9:00am and then "upload" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel when it is concluded. However you can join us..... make sure to pause for a time of worship this week! +++ Our Fill The Outhouse project continues! We are trying to fill the outhouse in the Sanctuary with needed items that cannot be purchased with SNAP benefits. Especially needed are toilet paper, bar soap, toothpaste and facial tissues. We can also collect children's diapers, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, conditioner and paper towels. Thanks for your donations which will support the food pantry ministry of our local food pantry at St. Joseph's Church in Camillus! +++ Next week we welcome a mission team from Calvary UMC in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. This group will be using our facility as their staging spot while they do mission work on the Onondaga Nation. Please pray for their efforts and safety as they do this important work. +++ And speaking of mission trips, we are planning our own mission trip to Hardwick, Vermont from September 16-20. An organizational meeting is being planned here at Immanuel on Tuesday, August 13th at 7:00pm. Please plan to join us at this organizational meeting and you can get more information from Mike Block. +++ On-line registration continues for:
Make today a great day and join me in praying Take away my shame, O God. Amen. Pastor Jack Happy Day after Independence Day! I hope you had a nice 4th of July holiday and I wanted to share some words I read from Psalm 37 with you today...
"The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives" (Psalm 37:23 NLT) Oh, to know God's heart! If we could only be sure of God's perfect will in every situation. But sometimes it seems to elude us. We want to be faithful and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit at all times. Praying, seeking, sometimes fasting, we often struggle to know which way to go, what path to follow, or exactly how to proceed. We are told in John 10:4 that we were given the ability to discern the Lord's voice and follow His leading when we devoted our lives to Him. And we can only know God's will.... to the extent that we get to know Him. Press in, seek His presence, and you will not feel confused, alone, or aimless. You can know the heart of God, and there you will discover the peace of assurance. So when you are trying to prioritize your time, or more than one possible way forward seems right, or your head and your heart don't agree, join me in praying, Make Your will known and I will follow. Amen. +++ Worship this Sunday continues at 9:00am! And this Sunday we will welcome Rev. Elizabeth Quick to our pulpit. After growing up in Rome, NY Beth is an ordained Elder and adjunct faculty member at Rutgers University. You will enjoy her message and the joy she brings to serving Jesus! If you can't be here in person, check out the "live-stream" on the church Facebook page at 9:00am. Or you can watch the completed worship after it is "uploaded" to our YouTube channel when completed. We will be celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, as well. +++ Remember that summer office hours are Monday - Thursday from 9:00am - 3:00pm. This schedule will continue throughout July and August. +++ Hopefully you have marked your calendars for:
Make this day a great day and always remember to pray, Make your will known and I will follow. Amen. Pastor Jack |
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January 2025