Happy Friday, Friends! As we prepare for another big weekend of worship, here are some more thoughts from the Psalms....
"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior." (Psalms 42:5 NIV) Hopelessness. You can see it today in the faces of so many people. Maybe you see it in your own face today as you look in the mirror. Perhaps you are facing a crisis, and all of the facts say that it's all over, so you might as well give up. Or, you are facing a situation that has been going on for so long that you have become weary and no longer see any reason to be hopeful? Does there appear to be no way out? Have you lost all hope? Well, if that describes you, there's good news. There is always hope with God. Even when the circumstances say otherwise, you can hope because God can and does still work miracles! Your situation may be beyond human help; but God is your hope, and God is always working on your behalf. That's why Jesus reminds us "All things are possible with God" (Mark 10:27 NIV). So go ahead and pray in hope! When you see no way out... or you feel you can't do anything to change the situation you are in.... or you just feel lost... join me in praying, You are my hope, O Lord. Amen. +++ We gather for worship at 8:30am and 10:00am on Sunday. This week we are celebrating the 20th Sunday after Pentecost. We will hear from Colossians and Mark's Gospel account this week and my message is "Rooted in the Faith". What does it really mean to be firmly rooted in the faith and how can we make sure we stay that way? I have 3 simple steps we can all take to keep our roots healthy. Join me as I think about those on Sunday! Our 8:30am worship will remain in the Sanctuary for one more week.... while we make sure of a "bee-free" environment in the Fireside Room and at 10:00am we will welcome Leo Mark Keating through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. We hope you can be here in person to worship with us but, if not, join us on the church Facebook page for our "live-stream" at 10:00am or on the church's YouTube channel for the completed worship after the service ends. However you can, we hope to be able to greet you in worship on Sunday! +++ Next Sunday, October 6th we will be celebrating World Communion Sunday, offering a welcome luncheon for new members after worship and then head off supporting CROP WALK in the afternoon. Please sign up for the new member luncheon and look for one of our young people to support CROP WALK this Sunday! +++Sign up now for our Second Sunday Lunch which will be after our 10am worship service on Sunday, Oct. 13. We will enjoy a delicious brunch meal sponsored by our Fellowship Team. Please sign up outside the Fireside Room. +++ Mark your calendars for Immanuel's Fall Craft Show on October 25th and 26th! There are a few spots left for crafters... contact Betty Block if you are interested. And we know you will find some beautiful crafty treasures, just perfect for holiday gift giving. Plan on stopping by to shop on the 25th or 26th! +++ Administrative Council members... Please mark your calendars to attend Immanuel's annual Charge Conference on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00pm. We will welcome 10 other congregations for this joint meeting in our Sanctuary that evening. Make this day a great day and always be praying, You are my hope, O Lord. Amen. Pastor Jack One of my favorite pastimes (especially when times seem difficult), is pick up my Bible and turn to the Book of Psalms where I often let the Holy Spirit direct my reading. Today I read these words from Psalm 5....
"For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield." (Psalm 5: 12 NIV) You know, so often in our lives the situation may seem impossible. Time has run out. You might be hoping against all odds for a passport to travel or be waiting nervously to get through customs. There might be a language barrier or a legal barrier keeping you from your goal. Maybe you are waiting to hear back on an audition or a job interview. Or maybe you're just standing in the customer service line, hoping to exchange a disappointing gift. I have found that often you are just one person or one conversation away from your answer. To be shielded by God's favor is to receive the grace you need at a time when you need it most. Pray, believing that God's favor is surrounding you like a shield, and each hopeless situation is a platform for the miraculous. Tap into the favor of God simply by trusting in it. So when no one seems to want to help you, or you need a response from someone, or you have paperwork that needs to be approved, join me in praying... Shield me with Your favor, Lord. Amen. +++ Worship this week continues at 8:30am and 10:00am! This week is the 18th Sunday after Pentecost and our readings from James and the Gospel according to Mark have me thinking about improving my vision. My message is "Seeing with New Eyes" and I'm thinking about how it is that sometimes our familiarity with a subject can cause us to miss the underlying message of Jesus. Come and think this through with me. If you can't be here in person... join us for our Facebook "live-stream" at 10:00am on the church's facebook page or for the recorded worship service that we "upload" to our YouTube channel after completion. Our worship is usually marked by great music, important scripture, a time of celebratory prayer and, hopefully, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the preacher! However you can join us, we will save you a seat for worship on Sunday! +++ Sam Paventi has asked to remind you that our neighbor, St. Michael's Lutheran Church has a Free Meal Give Away on Tuesday, 9/24. Just stop by the church and pick up a free Salisbury Steak dinner! The meals go fast so check with Sam for the best time to arrive! +++ We are offering a New Member class on Sunday, October 6th following worship. We'll have a light lunch, and talk about membership in the United Methodist Church and Immanuel in particular. Then we will be blessed to receive New Members into our fellowship on Oct. 20th! If you are ready to take the step into membership, please sign up outside the Fireside Room on Sunday so we plan for the class. Thanks! +++ Sunday is also your last opportunity to sign up for our Saving Grace course. It may be that we will wait until springtime to offer this course that is designed to help people of faith develop and maintain healthy relationships with money and their financial lives. A decision will be made after checking the sign up list on Sunday and anyone who signs up will be contacted with an update. +++ It has been determined that our Election Day Turkey Dinner will again be offered as a Drive Through meal on November 5th. In a few weeks signups to help will go up and we anticipate a wonderful time as we continue this long standing tradition in our community! Make this day a great day and always remember to join me in praying, Shield me with Your Favor, O Lord. Amen. Pastor Jack Today's reading takes me to Proverbs 4, where I read these words...
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." (Proverbs 4:23 NIV) So much around us threatens to disturb our hearts. Every day we have to beat back the cares of this world that threaten to choke out the fruitfulness of God's truth at work in our lives. We may toil hard at sowing the truth in our heart --- hearing and studying His word, contemplating and praying the truths we learn there --- just to have God's enemy steal it away. A farmer can put more effort into protecting his harvest than in sowing and reaping it. Although our willing hearts provide the rich soil for God's word to flourish -- and His kingdom to take root in our lives --- we must be careful not to let the little foxes, birds, and thieves in this world trespass and destroy what God planted there. We must guard our hearts with all diligence... because it is the source of our fruitfulness. Let the peace of God reign in your heart. May His love, peace, faith, hope, and joy rain continually on the fertile soil of your heart. So when the future seems bleak, or circumstances seem beyond your control, or it's a challenge to be joyful or stay positive, join me in praying, Guard my heart, Father. Amen. +++ Tomorrow is our big bed Build for Sleep In Heavenly Peace! Look for the tents in the parking lot as we build 40 beds for children here in Central New York! What a great ministry and we thank all of you who have signed up to be a part of this mission project! We'll have more details for you in worship on Sunday! +++ Sunday worship is at 8:30am and 10:00am and this week we celebrate the 17th Sunday after Pentecost! We will be hearing about the wisdom of God and I will be offering some thoughts entitled "God's Wisdom," as we compare our human version of wisdom with that of God. The scriptures come from Proverbs 1 and Mark 8 this week. If you can't be in the Fireside Room or Sanctuary with us this week... just look for us on the church's Facebook page for our "live stream" at 10:00am. When worship is completed we'll upload the recorded version to our YouTube channel, as well. You are missed when you're not here with the church family to worship! +++ This week our Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) meets on Tuesday evening at 6:00pm in the Fireside Room. +++ I will be leading worship at Summerfield Village at 9:30am on Wednesday, 9/18. You're invited if you'd like to join us. +++ Don't forget to wear your nametag each week for worship. If you need a name tag... please let the church office know and we will be ordering again soon. +++ If you are considering church membership, join us for the New Members Class on Sunday, October 6th at about 11:45am. We'll have a light lunch together and talk about all the wonderful privileges and responsibilities of being a member of Immanuel's church family! New members will join the church on Sunday, October 20th! Sign up outside the Fireside Room please... so we are sure to have enough lunch for all! +++ Beginning on Wednesday night, September 25th we will be offering a 6 week course entitled, SAVING GRACE. This course is designed to help people of faith create healthy relationships with money and bring our financial lives in line with our faith journeys. The course is designed for both couples and individuals and we'll talk about earning, spending, saving, debt and giving and how to build a sustainable financial plan. The course is being taught both in-person and via ZOOM, so please sign up outside the Fireside Room and let us know how you'll be joining the group. Thanks! Make this day a great day and remember to always pray, Guard my heart, Father. Amen. Pastor Jack Welcome to September, friends! A new month, a return to school-year schedules, and the excitement of fall are in the air! As I was thinking about our young ones returning to their classrooms, I read these words from Matthew's Gospel account...
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" (Matthew 7:11 NASB) As parents, we often ask ourselves whether we are doing everything possible to cultivate our children's God-given gifts and talents. There are just so many choices to make about what is best for them, so many decisions about how best to raise them for the glory of God. We are blessed with easy access to the Bible through a variety of translations. We can worship freely, preach, teach, and proclaim our faith openly. Christian schools, youth ministries, and even Christian radio stations abound. We do not lack for Christian opportunities for our children in the wider community, but I am wondering... is Christianity lived out in our homes? How do we conduct ourselves privately? Are we "talking the talk" or "walking the walk" in our homes? We can enroll our kids in Christian schools and send them to the best Christian camps (and our conference has 5 of them!) -- but what are they learning as they watch us? So when our kids' needs don't align with our personal agendas or you can't give them all they want or school is just hard, we can pray, Make me the parent You are, Father. Amen. +++ This coming Sunday, September 8th we return to our fall schedule of 2 worship services. We'll gather at 8:30am in the beautiful Fireside Room and at 10:00am in our beautiful Sanctuary. At 10:00am the choir will be back, and our Kidz Club program kicks off with a final edition of our summer Vacation Bible School theme, Food Truck Party. Come meet DJ Cupcake and all his friends! Don't you just love a family reunion? That's kind of what these first few September Sundays are. And the best news of all is that... You're Invited! In fact, we'll even save you a seat! This week I am speaking about "Christ-like Love" and I'll be telling a story about how that love got lived out in one person's life. If you can't be here in person, check out worship on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am... or watch the recorded version on our YouTube channel after worship is completed. Did you know that you can use either of these two platforms to go back and rewatch previous worship services? If you might have heard something you really liked.... you can watch and listen to it once again. And if you're watching on Facebook, make sure to SHARE the worship with all your friends on your friends list! Sometimes technology has amazing benefits, huh? +++ This Sunday is the deadline for those willing to commit to helping with a sit-down Turkey Dinner on Elections Day. We are not yet close to the needed number of helpers and the Turkey Dinner Team will be making a decision next week about what format we will use this year. Sign up on Sunday if you can commit to helping out in this way! Thanks! +++ Meetings next week include...
+++ On Wednesday morning I will be leading worship at Camillus Ridge Terrace at 11:00am. And you're invited to join me! +++ Next Saturday, September 14th is our bed-build for Sleep In Heavenly Peace. We are running two shifts for workers this year, one from 9:30am - 11:00am and the second from 11:30am to 1:00pm. We plan to build 40 beds for kids in the Central NY area and we need you to contact Shelley to get the link to register to help us out! We have spots available during each shift... but we need your help to complete our goal of making 40 beds. Remember... Everyone must sign up on the Sleep in Heavenly Peace website and that's what Shelley can put you in contact with. +++ Coming up in our District and Conference.... Our Crossroads District will be offering the Basic Lay Servant Ministries class beginning on Monday night 9/30/24. This will be a 5 week course, taught each week from 6:30pm - 8:30pm via ZOOM, and is the foundational course for all those considering Lay Servant ministries. Speak to me if you'd like more information or would like to sign up for the course! +++ Happening here at Immanuel
Make this day a great day, watch for stopped School buses and always remember to pray... Make me the parent that You are, Father. Amen. Pastor Jack |
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January 2025