Today's reading comes from the little-read book of Lamentations...
"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." (Lamentations 3: 22-23 KJV) How many times throughout the course of the week do we stumble and regret something we've said or done? We run to God for forgiveness while at the same time a voice inside our head tells us that we're not worthy, not good enough, and completely unable to walk in God's will. So why should we even try? It seems sometimes we'll never get it right. Why should God continue to forgive us time and time again? Perhaps this is why God assures us over and over of His mercy. God tells us His mercies are new every morning; they never come to an end. God proves God's faithfulness by always responding to our repentance with forgiveness. (See 1 John 1:9) God wants our hearts more than good works. In Psalm 51: 17 (AMP), we are reminded that "the sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart (broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent), such, O God, you will not despise." So when you neglect to do something, or continue to do something you said you would no longer do, or turn away from the needy... join me in praying, Thank You for Your mercy, Lord. Amen. +++ Sunday worship is at 9:00am in our beautiful Sanctuary and this week we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion together! My sermon series, What Would Jesus Do? continues with "Dealing with Difficult People". Do you know any of them? If so, come and hear Jesus' words to us in Luke 12: 54-59 and hear Jesus' formula for developing and maintaining good relationships. If you can't be in the Sanctuary at 9:00am on Sunday... look for us on the church's Faceook page when we "live stream" the worship service for you. And, of course, we will "upload" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel when it is completed. However you can... join us for worship this week! +++ Worship at Brookdale Summerfield takes place on Wednesday, August 7th at 9:30am. You are invited to join us that morning. +++ Our Board of Trustees meets on Wednesday at 4:00pm also. We hope to see all the Trustees for this important meeting. +++ And then... that same night, August 7th we will gather for our first session of Vacation Bible School 2024 at 6:00pm for dinner! Why... it will be a Food Truck Party at Immanuel's own version of a food truck! We hope to see all the kids and many adults join us for this fun time in the life of the church! +++ Our MINI GOLF FOR MISSIONS tournament takes place on Saturday, August 10th at the Fairmount Glen golf course. Registration starts at 8:30am that morning and we prepare for a shotgun start at 9:00am. Then we head back to church for a delicious brunch and awarding of prizes. Do you have your team registered? It's not too late to see Shelley to register on Sunday! Make today a great day and always remember to pray, Thank You for Your Mercy, Lord. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025