Today's reading finds me back in the Book of Isaiah, where I read these words...
"He awakens My ear to hear as a disciple... The Lord God has opened My ear, and I have not been rebellious or turned backward." (Psalm 50:4 AMP) Early in the morning we rise to pray. And half asleep we may call upon the name of the Lord. We offer our praise and thanksgiving. We make our requests known. We pray in the Spirit. But do we take the time to listen? Do we know how to hear the still, small voice of the Lord in those quiet times, or do we fill our prayer time with a running monologue of all our problems, desires, and requests? Learning to listen during times of prayer is as important as knowing how to whole-heartedly exalt God and come before God with our needs. We have been taught in our culture to state our opinion, make demands, boldly ask, and claim what is ours while the skills of waiting, listening, and hearing seem to have become a lost art. So join me thinking about cultivating the ability to sit and listen --- not only to others, but also to the Lord. Hear what the Spirit is saying. Be patient, be still, and listen. So the next time you are in a panic, when you need guidance, or when you don't know what to say, join me in praying... I'm here to listen, O God. Amen. +++ This Sunday marks the 14th Sunday after Pentecost and we gather in the Sanctuary at 9:00am. I will be continuing my summer sermon series What Would Jesus Do. This week our scriptures have me thinking about "Getting Rid of Our Resentment". We'll hear again from Paul's letter to the Ephesians and the Gospel of Luke. I think Jesus gives us a pretty good idea of how to deal with the challenging folks in our life and when we can lay down our resentments we can truly be more like Jesus. Join me in thinking this through on Sunday. If you can't be in the Sanctuary with us in person, look for us on the church's Faceook page for our "live-stream" at 9:00am or see the recorded version on our YouTube channel when worship is completed. Did you know that you can review worship services for the last couple of years on either the church's Facebook page or YouTube channel? What a great tool this technology is for helping to spread the Good News of Jesus to your friends and family. Just hit the SHARE button on the Facebook page and you will automatically invite all your Facebook friends to worship! Try it this week! Remember.... Sharing is Caring! +++ New copies of the September/October Upper Room magazine are now available on the table in the Narthex. Thanks for your donations that allow us to continue offering this resource for many people in our congregation and community. +++ From Sam Paventi: Tuesday August 27th is the FREE Dinner 'Grab-N-Go" at St. Michael's Lutheran Church on W. Genesee St. Parking lot (About 150 Chicken Boxed Meals) FREE to anyone and people from Church of the Bells are always welcome to come and get a meal also. +++ New Wednesday, August 28th, is our last installment of our summer Vacation Bible School program. The kids and adults have been having a great time at our Food Truck Party each week! +++ Remember to contact Shelley Dawson Smith about the upcoming Sleep In Heavenly Peace bed building party in our parking lot on Saturday, September 14th. Due to changes at Sleep in Heavenly Peace, all workers must register online this year and Shelley can help you do just that. We will run 2 shifts of workers this year, as well. Come and help us insure that no kids sleep on the floor in our community! +++ So far signups to help at our Election Day Turkey Dinner have been going pretty slowly. Remember we need 50-60 people to make a Sit Down meal a possibility this year.... so if you are interested and available to help, September 9th is the sign-up deadline if we are to offer a Sit Down event. Otherwise we will offer only a drive-through event again this year. Thanks for checking your calendar and being willing to make and keep this commitment to the Election Day Dinner. +++Our website is updated often! Please check our New/Events menu to get the most current News/Events and to see pictures of happenings around here. (VBS, Mini Golf, Mission projects) Make this day a great day and join me in praying... I'm here to listen, O God. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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September 2024