Happy Friday!
I have discovered there really is no sense hiding from God the fact that you aren't perfect. You can go ahead and admit to yourself and to God that you've made mistakes, and that you feel like the chips are stacked against you to break free from this misfit life. But the good news of Christmas is that God is here. God has come to you in Jesus, to be with you and tell you that you have not been forgotten, and that you are not alone. And God is calling you to a whole new adventure, in which you can follow Christ's lead, embody his example, and learn to love God and others. It does not matter how hopeless the world might seem to you. God is with you to give you an altogether hope, to set your soul on fire to go out and make a difference. It does not matter how conflicted or how broken you might feel. God is with you to give you an altogether peace, so that you can let your life shine with the glory of God. It does not matter what kind of life you have lived in the past. God is with you to give you an altogether love, so that you can have a chance at a brand-new start. And it does not matter how long your journey has been, or how lost you might feel. God is with you to give you an altogether joy, and to tell you: Merry Altogether Christmas. And welcome home, misfit. Welcome home! +++ We worship this Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, at 8:30am and 10:00am. This week we will hear about "The Word Made Flesh - Light of the World". At our 10:00am service we will be treated to a special time of music and poetry offered by our choir. And we will celebrate Dan Miller's ministry here at Immanuel as he prepares to move into the season of retirement. AND.... you are invited to come forward at the end of the worship service to join the choir as we sing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus! Let's raise the roof as we celebrate the birth of the Savior! If you can't be here with us in the Sanctuary.... look for us on the church's Facebook page for our live-stream at 10:00am. And, of course, we will upload the completed worship to our YouTube channel when it is completed. +++ On Christmas Eve we will worship at both 4:00pm and 7:30pm. While the 4:00pm service is geared toward families, both services will include the lighting of candles and singing of "Silent Night" to end our time of worship. We hope to see you at either of these beautiful worship experiences. And... we will be "live-streaming" on the Facebook page the 7:30pm worship service. +++ On Christmas Day you are invited to join us for breakfast in the Fireside Room at 10:00am. Please sign up and let us know what breakfast item you would like to bring to add to our breakfast table. We'll build a fire in the fireplace, sing some Christmas carols and enjoy fellowship together on Christmas morning! +++ The church office will be closed from 12/26 through 1/1 and we will reopen on 1/2/25! +++There will not be chair yoga class nor Bible study on Tuesdays, December 24 and December 31. Both will resume on Tuesday, January 7. +++ On Sunday 12/29 we will offer ONE worship service at 10:00am in the Sanctuary. This is also the deadline for donations for the 2024 year to be received in the church office. Thanks for your continuing support of the ministry work here at Immanuel! +++ The January/February editions of The Upper Room are available on the table in the Narthex. +++ On Sunday, 1/5/25 we will return to our 8:30am and 10:00am worship times as we celebrate Epiphany! Make this day a great day and may you always be looking for the star in the east at Christmas! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025