Good Friday Morning, Friends!
Today's scripture reading comes to us from Proverbs... "When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet." (Proverbs 3:24 NIV) It's midnight. You've been lying in your bed for two hours waiting for sleep to overtake you. You intended to get up early and pray, exercise, or maybe write in your journal. So these good intentions led you to turn in early, yet here you are wide awake another hour later. You count sheep, the things on your to-do list, the hours left until morning.... but nothing seems to help. Your thoughts cry out, Lord, how will I get up early to seek You if I can't go to sleep? When you are too tired to get up and pray, remind yourself that "he gives his beloved sleep," and "I will lie down and sleep in peace." (See Psalm 127:2 NKJV and Psalm 4:4 NIV) You can relax. The Lord is with you. He will grant you sound sleep and sweet dreams. Rest in His peace and fall safely asleep. So when your mind just won't quiet down... or you're anxious.... or the kids pile in bed with you, just pray.... Lord, grant me sound sleep. Amen. +++ Sunday we will celebrate the second Sunday of Advent when we worship at 8:30am and 10:00am. I will be continuing my sermon series, "The Word Made Flesh"... this week looking at Jesus as the Salt of the Earth. We will be lighting the second of our Advent candles and we will save you a seat in worship on Sunday. If you can't make it here in person, join us on line on the church's Facebook page for our "live-stream" at 10:00am. And, of course, the completed worship service will be available on both the Facebook and YouTube channels after worship is completed. So you have lots of ways to join us as we celebrate the Advent season! +++ Following the 10:00am worship service, we will enjoy our Second Sunday Luncheon provided by our Fellowship Team. Thanks for signing up and to the team for putting the luncheon together each month. +++ Next week...
+++ Next weekend...
+++ Look for the Mitten Tree project and Heifer International Project in the Narthex on Sunday. This is the last day for gifts for the Mitten Tree so that we can get them distributed before the holidays. +++ You can also order poinsettias for the Christmas altar on Sunday morning, as well. See Pam B. or Karen P. to place your orders this week. +++ The newsletter deadline for the January/February edition is on 12/20. Thanks for getting your articles in to meet our publishing deadline. +++ Christmas Eve worship is at 4:00pm and 7:30pm in the Sanctuary! Join us for this special night of worship! +++ Christmas morning breakfast will be served at 10:00am on December 25th. Please sign up and let us know what breakfast food you'll be bringing as we celebrate Jesus' birth with food and fellowship on Christmas morning. +++ And finally a reminder from our Finance Ministry... that all 2024 donations need to be received at the church by Sunday, 12/29/24. This will allow us to close the 2024 books and open the 2025 books in a timely manner! Thanks for your help! Make this day a great day and if you're having problems sleeping just join me in praying, Lord, grant me sound sleep. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025