Greetings, Friends!
Today's reading comes from Paul's letter to the Philippians... "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near." (Philippians 4: 4-5) Rejoice in the Lord always. Somedays that's a pretty tall order. We often face such great difficulties and tumultuous situations and remaining joyful is hard work. But I have come to learn that rejoicing is a moment-by-moment choice. We are called to sometimes make the very hard choice to rejoice in spite of the conditions of our lives. When things aren't going well we have to find some reason to be joyful. I think that is possible only if, and because, we can remember that Jesus promises us always to be near to us. In spite of our circumstances and the messes we might get ourselves into, Jesus promises always to be available to help us. This week and forever we rely on that presence as we start out this New Year. Rejoice in the Lord always... and again I say Rejoice! +++ On Sunday we will worship at both 8:30am and 10:00am. As we celebrate this first Sunday after Epiphany, we'll look at Peter and John's visit to Samaria and the coming of the Holy Spirit on these new Christians. My message, "Passing on the Flame" has me wondering how it is that we too, pass on the flame of our relationship with Jesus to the unchurched. Join me as I think this through and revisit a memory from my past in which I was blessed to meet the Spirit as shared by others. We will, of course, offer our Facebook "live-Stream" at 10:00am and then we will upload the completed worship to the church YouTube channel when completed. If the weather isn't cooperating for you on Sunday... join us on Facebook or YouTube as you remain safe and warm at home. +++ Following the 10:00am worship service we will move to the Fellowship Hall for our Second Sunday Luncheon. This month we'll enjoy Immanuel's famous "Chili/Chowder/Soup" cook off! Come and sample a wonderful array of tasty treats and vote for your favorite! +++ Next Thursday, January 16th I will be offering an annual Memorial Service at Brookdale Summerfield at 2:00pm. At this worship we will remember 23 of the Summerfield community who now rest in the arms of Jesus. +++ Next Sunday, January 19th we will receive one of the United Methodist Church's 6 special annual offerings as we remember Human Relations Day. This special offering supports our work in providing neighborhood ministries. We support Community Developers, offer community advocacy and support work with at-risk teens throughout the world. Look for the special offering envelopes as you enter the church next Sunday! +++ Committee and Team leaders... Please remember that your Annual Reports are due in the church office by Jananuary 31 so that we can complete our statistical reporting and preparation of our Annual Report. Thanks! +++ Also... beginning next week and continuing for the next few weeks, our church office will be covered by volunteers as Pam is away playing nurse as her husband Mike recovers from surgery. In an emergency my cell phone number is on the church's answering machine message. Make this day a great day and remember to Rejoice always! And again I say Rejoice! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025