Happy Friday Friends! As another workweek comes to an end and we prepare for a joyous time of worship on Sunday, I read these words in Paul's letter to the Romans....
"There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1 NIV) Sometimes I find that those who oppose us want nothing more than to cause us shame. They point their finger, place blame, give haughty looks, and speak in ways that make us feel inferior. And likewise, our spiritual enemy has been called the "accuser of the brethren" because his main objective is to make sure we feel guilty, unworthy and condemned (Revelations 12:10 KJV). He keeps us down by attempting to erode our self-image. The New Testament is just full of illustrations describing the changes Christ has brought about in us. We are new creatures, forgiven, made righteous, beloved children of God, more than conquerors, kings, priests, a holy nation. We have been called to glory and virtue. James likens the Bible to a mirror in which we see a reflection of how God sees us in Christ. (See James 1:23). Allow God's mercy to restore you, God's grace to refresh you, and press on toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. So this week, whenever you regret something you've said or done, or you feel foolish or unworthy, or guilty about your past, just join me in praying, Take away my shame, O God. Amen. +++ This coming Sunday, July 14th we worship again at 9:00am and we will welcome Rev. Bill Gottshcalk-Fielding! Colin is back leading our music and our prayer-conditioned (and air conditioned) Sanctuary is ready to welcome you and your friends to this time of joyful praise and worship. We'll save you a seat and we hope to see you on Sunday. We also will continue to "live-stream" the worship on the church's Facebook page at 9:00am and then "upload" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel when it is concluded. However you can join us..... make sure to pause for a time of worship this week! +++ Our Fill The Outhouse project continues! We are trying to fill the outhouse in the Sanctuary with needed items that cannot be purchased with SNAP benefits. Especially needed are toilet paper, bar soap, toothpaste and facial tissues. We can also collect children's diapers, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, conditioner and paper towels. Thanks for your donations which will support the food pantry ministry of our local food pantry at St. Joseph's Church in Camillus! +++ Next week we welcome a mission team from Calvary UMC in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. This group will be using our facility as their staging spot while they do mission work on the Onondaga Nation. Please pray for their efforts and safety as they do this important work. +++ And speaking of mission trips, we are planning our own mission trip to Hardwick, Vermont from September 16-20. An organizational meeting is being planned here at Immanuel on Tuesday, August 13th at 7:00pm. Please plan to join us at this organizational meeting and you can get more information from Mike Block. +++ On-line registration continues for:
Make today a great day and join me in praying Take away my shame, O God. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025