As we start another weekend, I read these words from 1 Peter...
"Casting the whole of your care... on Him, for He cares about you affectionately and cares about you watchfully." (1 Peter 5:7 AMP) More money, a better marriage, stronger medicine. Improved health, increased wealth, greater wisdom. So much weighs on our minds. What if the day when we finally pay our debts our health fails, or we become physically fit and financially secure just to lose our marriage. We all make mistakes; we all stumble and fail at times. But those who run to the Lord will find mercy and grace in their time of need. They will find their answer hidden in God. We can look to doctors, bankers, counselors, and experts for answers. But scripture reminds us that those who put their trust in the Lord will never be forsaken or ashamed. God is faithful even when we're not. I dare you to test God, prove God, and make your need known to God today. God waits patiently and mercifully for you to place your hope in Him once and for all. Our God is the God that provides all the answers and meets all your needs. God is your solution. So when your problems seem out of hand and you are in the middle of managing that next crisis, pray with me, I cast all my cares on You, O Lord. Amen. +++ Worship this week is at 9:00am in the Sanctuary and we will hear about Jesus encountering 2 women in need of healing from Mark chapter 5. My message, "The Person Next to You" has me thinking about how we are called, as Christians, to live in community and to care for the people around us. Join me as I think this through! We will, of course, be "live-streaming" on the church's Facebook page at 9:00am and then "uploading" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel, as well. We might have a few surprises in store, as well, so I hope to see you in worship here in the Sanctuary this week! +++ Remember that the Chair Yoga group will NOT be meeting this week (7/2) but will resume next week (7/9)! +++ To allow the staff to enjoy the holiday weekend, the church office will be closed on Thursday and Friday next week (7/4 & 7/5) and reopen on Monday 7/8. +++ In July and August our church office will be open on Monday - Thursday from 9:00am - 3:00pm. Please note this for your office needs! Thanks! +++ In July we will welcome Rev. Beth Quick on Sunday 7/7 and Rev. Bill Gottschalk-Fielding on Sunday 7/14. Beth and Bill will be leading worship while I am away on those 2 Sundays. I know you will be blessed as they lead worship on these special Sundays! +++ We will welcome a Mission Team from Calvary UMC in Harrisburg, PA from July 15th - July 19th. This group will be doing several mission projects on the Onondaga Nation and we are glad to offer them housing and hospitality here at Immanuel. +++ Please make sure you have saved the dates on your calendar for:
Make this day a great day and always remember to pray, I cast all my cares on you, O Lord. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025