Happy Friday!
Today's scripture reading takes us into Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus... "But speaking the truth in love, [we] may grow up into Him in all things." (Ephesians 4:15 KJV) It appears to me that poor communication, or the complete lack of it, is undoubtedly the cause of most misunderstandings and unhappiness. And that's often because speaking the truth can be difficult. Expressing ourselves honestly and openly is a huge challenge that we must all work at throughout our lives. But when seasoned with love, honest communications can liberate, heal, and nurture our relationships. The Bible has a lot to say about communications. Speak the truth in love -- be ready always to give and answer for the hope that is in you. A kind word, a gentle tongue, and a disciplined mouth are incredible forces for good. James tells us, "If any man offends not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body" (James 3:3 KJV). My prayer is that you would let the love of God not only constrain your words, but also compel you to speak the truth in every situation. When you are confronting a coworker, or speaking up in a church group, or standing up for what is right in your community, always remember to pray, Lord, Help me speak the truth in love. Amen. +++ We worship on Sunday at 8:30am and 10:00am and this week we will continue our Fall Stewardship series TREASURES. Jesus warns us in Matthew 6 about trying to serve two masters so this week's message, "The Problem with Two Masters" will have me thinking about how many masters I really serve! If you are like me, make sure you are here for worship to think this through with me. As always our worship will feature some wonderful music, a time for our kids (10:00am), and a time for fellowship with our sisters and brothers in Christ. And, if you can't be here in person... we'll save you a seat on our Facebook live-stream at 10:00am and in the recorded service on our YouTube channel after completion. +++ Following worship we'll gather for our Second Sunday Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. Sam and our Fellowship Team have prepared a wonderful meal for us to enjoy as we join in a time of fellowship around the tables. +++ The church office will be closed on Monday in observance of the Veteran Days holiday. Thanks to all our veterans for your service and the office will reopen on Tuesday. +++ Our Finance Team and SPRC both meet on Tuesday evening at 6:00pm and then the Administrative Council meets at 6:45pm. Thanks to all who serve here and we look forward to completing our business on Tuesday night! +++ This Sunday is the first Sunday for our Angel Tree Ministry and Door Spray orders. Check out the displays in the Narthex on Sunday! +++ Next Sunday, November 17th is our Commitment Sunday! Please look for the mailing in your mailbox this weekend and we are asking you to return your completed pledge cards next Sunday on Commitment Sunday! What treasures can you share??? +++ We will offer an Advent Study, based on our Advent theme The Word Became Flesh on Mondays at 12:00noon beginning on November 25th! Bring your lunch, we'll enjoy a different flavor of soup each week and we will delve into the birth story of Jesus in this new, exciting study. Please sign up outside the Fireside Room and see me for a book, which is free this year! +++ Thanks to all who worked so hard at the week's Election Day Turkey Dinner. You'll hear more details on Sunday, but it appears we sold 353 meals (which included meals delivered to our shut-ins) and made a profit of more than $3,500! Great job to Steve, Sam, Dave, and all those helped with this wonderful annual undertaking. See pictures from this event here. Make this day a great day and join me in praying, Lord, Help me speak the truth in Love. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025