As the Covid virus tries to make a return to our community, I read these words from the prophet Jeremiah.....
"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed." (Jeremiah 17: 14 KJV) Ugh... you feel awful. Your head throbs, your muscles ache, and you feel weak. How can you ever do all that you are supposed to do today? You wonder if you should call in sick and cancel all your appointments. You wonder, "Can I ask God to heal me?" Yes, you can! James 5: 14-15 invites the church to pray for their sick. This passage also promises inner healing along with physical healing. Jesus himself welcomed individuals to approach Him with their requests for healing. You too can come to Him today. God told the Israelites that He is "The Lord, who heals you" (Exodus 15:26 NIV). And Peter quoted Isaiah, saying by Jesus' wounds we were healed. (See Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24.) Take heart, believe what the Bible says, and ask God to heal you. So when your heart is broken or you're not feeling well or you don't understand the cause of your symptoms, join me in praying, Heal me, O Lord. Amen. +++ This Sunday, October 13th, we gather for worship at 8:30am and 10:00am. We will be celebrating the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost and I am using Jesus' encounter with the rich young ruler to think about us being asked to "Come and Follow Me". How are we doing at this call to follow? Maybe I need to spend some time rethinking my "following ability"! You can join us in the Fireside Room or Sanctuary for worship or on the church Facebook page for our 10:00am "live-stream". And, following worship, we will "upload" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel, as well. So you have many ways to be a part of our worshipping family on Sunday! +++ Following worship we will enjoy our Second Sunday Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall! Thanks to all who cook, set up and prepare this wonderful time of food and fellowship for us! +++ Our church office will be closed on Monday, October 14. +++ Remember that the deadline for articles for the November/December edition of our church newsletter are due in the office by October 20th! Thanks for helping us maintain our publishing schedule by getting your articles in on time! +++ Administrative Council members... Please remember to be here for our annual Charge Conference on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00pm. Many hands make for a lighter workload and we are so blessed with such a dedicated team of church leaders! Make this day a great day and always invite God to help you by praying, Heal Me, O Lord. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025