As we enjoyed this extended period of "Indian Summer" here in central NY, I have been re-reading the Book of Isaiah. Hear these words from the prophet...
"If you willingly obey me, the best crops in the land will be yours." (Isaiah 1:19 CEV) Many things can cause us to harden our hearts. It can be a mood we're in or a prejudice we have. Our own circumstances might cause us to become bitter or to feel that we are not in any position to serve others. But daily you and I are presented with opportunities to be a blessing to someone. Often we are not even aware of those cues --- maybe because we are often asleep in our own concerns. Ephesians 5:14 calls sleepers to awake and rise from the dead. We are told that in so doing, Christ would give us light in order that we might live purposefully and accurately --- we are urged to make the most of every opportunity, submitting ourselves one to another in reverence for Christ. (See Ephesians 5: 15-20.) In verse 9 of the same chapter it tells us that the "fruit of the Light consists in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart, and trueness of life" (AMP). Showing kindness and mercy is how we turn our hearts upward, rather than inward. An "upright heart" is a willing heart. So I try to pray, Give me a willing heart, O God, when I don't know what I should do, or when I'm having a difficult time dealing with people... or when I feel like I just can't get out of bed! Will you join me in that prayer? +++ Join us for worship on Sunday at either 8:30am or 10:00am! We'll save you a seat as we celebrate the 21st Sunday after Pentecost and World Communion Sunday. On this day, when Christians around the world are united at the Lord's table, we will receive one of our special church-wide offerings for World Communion Sunday. This special offering supports ethnic scholarships in our country and around the world. Look for the special offering envelopes on Sunday! My message, "Not For Angels", will see me thinking about how commitments made between two loving people should never be broken. If you can't be here in person for worship, join us on the church's Facebook page for our "live-stream" at 10:00am. And, of course, we will upload the completed worship to our YouTube channel after it is completed. We can't wait to see you in worship this Sunday! +++ Do you still remember the 4 items on our memory buster quiz? Look for the donation table in the Narthex and thanks for feeding the hungry! +++ Remember to sign up for next Sunday's Second Sunday Luncheon after worship. The signup sheet is outside the Fireside Room! +++ Following worship on Sunday lots of things will be happening...
+++ Tuesday is our meeting night for October! Finance and SPRC are each meeting at 6:00pm that evening and then our Administrative Council will meet at 6:45pm. Members, please try to be here for these important meetings as we prepare for Charge Conference 2024. Our Charge Conference for Administrative Council members is being held on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00pm here at Immanuel. We are blessed to welcome 8 other congregations that night for this group Charge Conference program. +++ On Wednesday our Church Trustees will meet at 4:00pm in the Fireside Room to conduct their important business. +++ The deadline for the November/December edition of our church newsletter is coming up on October 20th. Please try to have all articles into the office by that date so we can keep our publication deadline. Thanks! +++ The great Fall Craft Show is coming up on October 25th and 26th right here at Immanuel! Check with Betty as there are still a few spaces for crafters for this show. And plan to join us for a wonderful shopping experience those days! +++ Many of you are asking about donations to UMCOR to help with hurricane relief in the southeastern US. The best and most efficient way to do that is click the red button right on the homepage of our website. You will be directed to the letter which contains the link to UMCOR and you can make your donations right there! It is a secure and simple way to help in this important cleanup work... and have your gift get to the affected people much more quickly than it would through our church checkbook. Should this present a problem, please speak to one of our Finance Team (or the church office) to help! Thanks for your generosity! Make this day a great day and keep praying with me, Give me a willing heart, O God! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025