Happy Friday!
As you read this, I am attending the Upper New York Annual Conference gathering at the SRC Arena with about 700 other United Methodists from the Upper New York Conference. Please continue to pray for us as we do the "business" of our church! My reading this week took me into Proverbs, where I read these words... "We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." (Proverbs 16:9 NLT) You head out into your day full of purpose, determined to check everything off your to-do list. You pray as you go, asking the Lord to help you do it all. Things come up throughout the day -- fires need fighting, crises need managing, friends call seeking our advice -- and the next thing you know your whole day's plans have been derailed. Or have they? Sometimes God has goals for us that need to go to the top of our list. That friend who calls, that fire we put out -- maybe were things God has for us to do. Yes, God has called us to be steady, purpose-driven people, and God has given us the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind -- a calm, well-balanced mind, disciplined and self-controlled. (See 2 Tim 1:7) Yes, we can do all things through Christ. In fact, we are told we have the very mind of Christ! (See 1 Corinthians 2:16) And that is the key. Staying on God's track for your life might involve tasks that don't appear on your list. So always keep checking in with God! When you are having trouble meeting all your commitments, or there is more to do than there is time to do it, or you have a pressing deadline join me in praying, "Keep me on your path, Lord. Amen." +++ On Sunday we will gather at 8:30am and 10:00am for worship and we will hear from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians about where Paul is talking about the treasure we have in clay pots. My message, "We Have This Treasure" has me thinking about exactly what our "treasure" is. We will also celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion together and hear lots of great music of our faith. Join us here in the Sanctuary or on our Facebook page at 10:00am on Sunday for the "live-stream" of our worship service. And, of course, following worship we will upload the completed worship service to our YouTube channel, as well! We will also get to hear a presentation about our M2 program that provides for our Mission and Maintenance needs here at Immanuel! We'll save you a great seat on Sunday! +++ Summerfield worship is next Wednesday, June 5th at 9:30am! +++ Our church Board of Trustees meet next Wednesday, June 5th at 4:00pm in the Fireside Room. +++ Mark your calendars for next Sunday, June 9th when we celebrate Youth Celebration Sunday! We will recognize our Kidz Club attendees, provide Bibles to some of our young people and celebrate the accomplishments of 3 of our young people who are graduating this year! And then, following worship, we will celebrate with a Church Picnic on the back lawn! Please sign up and let us know what dish you will be bringing so we have all the food needs covered. We'll have some games, and watermelon as well! +++ On June 16th we will celebrate Music Sunday as we recognize the gifts of our church musicians. This will be a special celebration at our 10:00am worship that day! +++ We begin our summer schedule on Sunday, June 23rd with one worship service on Sunday morning at 9:00am. Mark your calendars! +++ I will be riding my bike 20.2 miles in the upcoming "Ride for Roswell" in Buffalo on Saturday, June 22nd! Look for the "Ride for Roswell" display if you'd like to sponsor me and/or leave me a message of encouragement which I take along in my backpack on the day of the ride and read at the rest stops along the way! Make this day a great day and always remember to pray with me, Keep me on your path, O Lord! Amen. Pastor Jack Happy Friday Friends!
Today, while enjoying my morning coffee, I read these words from Psalm 118.... "This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24) Today the sun is shining, as I write this. The birds are singing. It's another beautiful day. God's creation is a testimony to God's goodness and majesty. The beauty of each new dawn is yet another illustration of God's new mercies every morning -- each vibrant sunset comes from God's faithfulness. Rejoice and be glad for the heavens and the earth belong to the Lord. Through God all things were made; without God nothing was made. (See John 1:3 and Hebrews 11:3) There is much to thank the Lord for every day -- the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the abundance of food and friendship. Most of us have enough to eat and a warm place to sleep, and we can go about our towns and our neighborhoods in relative peace. Yes, there is a time to mourn and repent, a time to make our needs known to God, to cast our cares in faith, a time to intercede, and a time to pray for peace. But we must not neglect gladness and thanksgiving --- for this is the day the Lord has made! So when you're running errands, or watching the kids play, or walking the dog.... join me in praying, Thank you for this day, Lord! Amen. +++ On Sunday we gather for worship at 8:30am and 10:00am and we celebrate Trinity Sunday. Our scripture takes us to John 3: 1-17 and my message is "Being Born Anew". We will hear Jesus' command to Nicodemus and we will hear about how much it is that God loves the world. You can join us here in our air conditioned (and prayer conditioned) Sanctuary or on the church Facebook page at 10:00am for our weekly worship "live-stream". And after worship is completed we will upload it to the church's YouTube channel, as well. I'll also be offering a Memorial Day moment this week as we remember and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. +++ This week we will receive one of our 6 general offerings to support Peace with Justice work throughout our United Methodist connection. Look for the special offering envelopes in the Narthex on Sunday morning and we thank you for these second mile gifts. +++ On Monday the office will be closed for the Memorial Day holiday. The office will reopen on Tuesday morning. +++ Also next week, Helen, Pam and I will be attending the Upper New York Annual Conference gathering at the SRC Arena on the OCC campus from Thursday morning through Saturday afternoon. Volunteers will be covering the office on Thursday and Friday mornings and I am available for emergency situations on my cell phone. +++ Youth Celebration Sunday (Children's Day) will be celebrated on Sunday, June 9th at 10:00am. We hope you'll be able to join us as we celebrate our young people and their accomplishments this year. +++ Please remember to sign up for our upcoming Church Picnic on Sunday, June 9th following worship! The sign-up sheet is outside the Fireside Room and we need a count on how many family and friends will be joining us that day. Thanks! Make this day a great day and always find time to pray, Thank you for this day, Lord! Amen. Pastor Jack This week's readings have taken me into Proverbs, where I read these words...
"Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do!" (Proverbs 4:7 NLT) How can we know which way to go? How can we ever be sure exactly what to do? We are told to firmly grasp the will of the Lord, not to be like the foolish... but like the wise -- to be circumspect, discerning, and prudent --- to be led by the Spirit. Without the wisdom of God, we can't know the truth. Without the living Word and Spirit at work in our hearts and minds, we would not have a clue about how to be righteous, walk in love, or minister with grace. We are able to partake of God's divine nature, God's excellence, and virtue only because God's Word and Spirit live in each of us. It's the love of God in us that brings to us the knowledge of truth, an understanding of holiness, humility, and honor. God has provided us with all things pertaining to life and godliness, including the very mind and Spirit of Christ. So... when your heart and mind don't agree, when you are feeling confused, and when you just can't see the big picture, join me in praying, Give me your wisdom, O Lord. +++ This week we celebrate PENTECOST! I encourage you to search through the drawers and closets at home and find something RED to wear to worship! We will welcome and embrace the Holy Spirit at both our 8:30am and 10:00am worship experiences. We will be talking about "Rivers of Living Water" and we will, of course, be "live-streaming" the 10:00am worship service live on the church Facebook page. Following the conclusion of worship, we will "upload" the completed worship service to the church's YouTube channel for you, as well. So you have many opportunities to worship with us this week! +++ On Saturday the Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardner's group will be offering their annual plant sale starting at 9:00am. Be here early to get the best selection of these beautiful plants and flowers! And then, on Saturday afternoon, many will gather here for a Spring Maintenance Day beginning about 12:00noon. If you can spare a couple of hours on Saturday, please join us in your work clothes and we will gladly find a job for you that fits your abilities! +++ On Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm we will gather in the Sanctuary to remember and celebrate the life of Phyllis Girvan. This time was mostly designed by Phyllis and we hope you can join us to celebrate a life well lived! +++ Next Sunday, May 26th we will receive our Peace with Justice offering for work of justice ministries around our United Methodist connection. Look for the special offering envelopes next Sunday! +++ And, of course, some upcoming deadlines and events for your calendars...
Make this day a great day and don't ever forget to pray, Give me your wisdom, O Lord! Amen. Pastor Jack Hello Friends! It is so good to be home and I'm looking forward to seeing you all in worship on Sunday! This week I read these words from John's Gospel...
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:... Let not our heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14: 27 KJV) Pressed on all sides. Pulled in all directions. At times life just seems to be reeling out of control. We want so much for the circumstances of our lives to be predictable, our homes to be orderly, and our days to go as planned. When the kids get sick, the sink backs up, the car breaks down, and our boss makes unexpected demands, feelings of helpless exasperation can overwhelm even the bravest among us. But you and I have an anchor in Christ. Although the world around us often seems to be falling apart, we know that our steps are ordered by God. We can be at rest when the rest of the world isn't. We can cast our care on God knowing that God is working out every detail for our good. We are commanded not to be anxious but to allow the peace of God to reign in our hearts and minds -- making every thought obedient to the gospel of peace --- choosing peace, being at peace. Let God's peace work in you, whenever a deadline takes you by surprise, or you can't remember where you left your keys, or the dog next door just won't stop barking. At those times join me in praying, Lord, let me rest in Your peace. Amen. +++ This Sunday we celebrate the 7th Sunday of Easter and Mother's Day! When we gather at 8:30am and 10:00am we will also celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion together. And this week we will also be hearing from our Bishop, Bishop Hector Burgos Nunez, about some of the business conducted at the United Methodist Church's General Conference in Charlotte over the last few weeks. Look for us on the church's Facebook page as we "live-stream" worship at 10:00am and then on our YouTube channel as we "upload" the recorded worship when it is completed. I'm excited to see you all in worship on Sunday! +++ Lots of meetings are on tap for next week! Our Finance Team meets on Tuesday night at 6:00pm and our SPRC meets at the same time, as well. Then our Administrative Council meets at 6:45pm on Tuesday night in the Fireside Room. +++ On Saturday May 18th we have a plant sale by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners group. The sale takes place from 9:00am -12:00noon and you will find all the best selections if you arrive close to 9:00am! And then in the afternoon, we will hold our Spring Clean-up Day party! We have many jobs to accomplish that afternoon and we need you to sign up this weekend so we can make sure to accomplish as many of the tasks as possible. Thanks for your help and for spending an afternoon beautifying our church facility! +++ Next Sunday, May 19th is PENTECOST and you are encouraged to search your closets and wear RED that day! How RED can we get the place? Find something to help us turn the place RED for the celebration! +++ A couple of deadlines coming up for us to pay attention to....
Make this day a great day and always remember to join me in praying, Lord, let me rest in Your peace! Amen! Pastor Jack "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12
+++ We worship on Sunday at 8:30am and 10:00am as we celebrate the 6th Sunday of Easter! This week Pam Kelsey-Gossard will be leading our worship services. Her message title is "I choose you" and is based on the Scripture of John 15:9-17. Take a look and see what stands out for you. We will welcome Adam and Chris from Casowasco at our 10am service. We will be delivering meals to our shut in friends as well as part of our Meal Ministry. Look for us on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am with our "live stream" or after worship is over on our YouTube channel. +++ Camping Sunday is also this Sunday at the 10:00am worship service. We will be joined by friends from Casowasco. If you have thought about camp or know someone (neighbor, grandchild, friend) who might want to learn more, this is a great opportunity and there will be lots of fun. Don't' forget, we have camperships to assist with the cost of camp! Check out Casowasco's website for more information. +++ Please keep Pastor Jack in prayer as he travels back to NY from his vacation. He has had a restful time and has enjoyed the warm weather. We will celebrate his return with the sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, May 12 (for both services) this month. +++ Our conference delegates for the United Methodist Church's General Conference are wrapping things up in Charlotte, North Carolina There have been some changes made and Pastor Jack will provide a summary of those changes when he returns to worship next week. If you would like to read updates on our Upper NY conference website, you can access the website here. +++ Applications for the Gordon Williams Scholarship are available on our website and in the church office. This scholarship is available to members of Immanuel that have graduated high school and will continue their education, which includes both college and trade school. +++ Our Trustees will meet on Thursday, May 9 at 4pm. Trustees don't forget we changed the meeting to Thursday instead of Wednesday this month. Blessings from the church office. |
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