Happy Black Friday!
As the turkey induced coma wears off and you start your shopping in earnest, I re-read these words in Psalm 46.... "Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10 NIV) You know, it seems to be human nature to panic. And that seems to be even worse at this time of year! Who doesn't expect the worst or try to keep expectations to a minimum? We all lay awake at night dwelling on the "what if's" and the "how so's," and sometimes the "God help me's." Often it is all we can do to remember that the steps of the righteous are ordered by God, that God is at work in every situation working out all for good on behalf of those who love Him. We need to be anxious for nothing, knowing that God is always watching over us. We can let go of our concerns about how quickly we are reaching our destination and simply enjoy the journey. You see if we are truly trusting in God, it is up to us to let go and let God carry us over life's rapids and the rough places. Why not determine today to let the peace of God rule in your heart, soul, and mind? Resolve today to rest in God's perfect peace. So when you can't sleep at night because of worry, when you're bored or impatient or anxious join me in praying... "Help me to trust in you, Lord." +++ Sunday is Christ the King Sunday! This means we get to hear Jesus speak about sheep and goats and pause to recognize him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We will worship at 8:30am and 10:00am and, of course, the 10:00am worship will be "live streamed" on the church Facebook page and then uploaded when completed to the YouTube channel, as well. However you worship this week, we look forward to "seeing you" for worship. We will also receive one of our 6 general offerings this week when we support our United Methodist Student Sunday appeal with our second mile gifts. These gifts provide scholarship support to United Methodist students throughout our connection. Thanks for your gifts! +++ Sunday is the return deadline for Angel Tree gifts! We appreciate your generosity and your returning the gifts on Sunday. This allows the agencies we are supporting to begin preparing for distribution next week! The Mitten tree has one week to go so those gifts are due back next Sunday, December 3rd! +++ Chris Paoli can hook you up with ski passes for Immanuel's Ski Club! See him after worship on Sunday to get in on the fun! +++ Our Advent study, "Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph", begins on Monday, November 27th at 1:00pm in the Fireside Room. We are still looking for a few folks to join both the in-person group on Mondays and the ZOOM group meeting on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm via ZOOM. Sign-up on Sunday and get the book for Monday's class! +++ On Tuesday morning the building gets decorated for Advent and Christmas! Thanks to all those who will work so hard to make the building look so inviting for the holiday celebrations! +++ Next Sunday is the First Sunday in Advent! Look for our mission project for Heifer International starting next Sunday! Make this day a great day and remember to always pray... "Help me to trust in you, Lord." Pastor Jack Hello Friends!
On this beautiful day here in Central New York, I read these words in the 14th chapter of John's Gospel account... "When the Father sends the Counselor as my representative - and by the Counselor I mean the Holy Spirit - he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I myself have told you." (John 14:26 NLT) You know, people are forgetful by nature. History repeats itself. Sometimes conversations are called "scripts"... because they are used over and over again. We are told to renew our minds, that faith comes by hearing and hearing again, and that the Holy Spirit will bring all things to remembrance. If we weren't forgetful beings, why would the Bible tell us this? Sometimes it seems we'll never get it right. Our intentions are good, our plans are sound -- we can organize and strategize -- but then we completely forget what it was we set out to do. We are creatures of habit, of convenience, and though we mean well, we don't always remember what it was we meant to do long enough to follow through. We intend to call, or write, or send a donation, or pray --- but we just forget! One of the enemy's primary techniques is to keep you so busy that you forget what it is that God has put it on your heart to do. Write down your vision, just in case you forget. Join me in praying, Help me remember, Lord when -- my family is demanding my attention or I'm running from one thing to the next. When I can't stay focused or I'm trying to do too many things at once we should pray, Help me remember, Lord! +++ Worship on Sunday is at 8:30am and 10:00am and this Sunday is Commitment Sunday! We ask you to pray over and return your Estimate of Giving card for our 2024 General Fund Spending Plan. This is the last week of our Stewardship Program, FOUND FAITHFUL and my message is entitled, FOUND FAITHFUL: Faithful With All". We will hear from Psalm 8 about the majesty of the world God created for us and Matthew's Gospel where Jesus shares the Parable of the Talents with us. And we will try to answer that age old question.... how should we respond in light of all God has given us? Your Estimate of Giving cards can, of course, be mailed to the church office and please remember that we are asking everyone (including those who give electronically) to complete an Estimate of Giving card to help our Finance Team in their important work! Thanks for your support of the mission and ministry of Immanuel! Whether in the Sanctuary or on Facebook at 10:00 am or YouTube later, we can't wait to "see you" in worship on Sunday! +++ On Sunday you can pick up your Door Sprays following worship! Thanks to all who supported this fundraiser for our Mission work! +++ There are only 12 angels left on the Angel Tree! If you are planning on being a part of this mission, make sure to grab an angel or two ASAP! They are going like hot-cakes! And this week the Mitten Tree will also be available in the Narthex for your gifts! +++ The church office will be closed next week from Wednesday-Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. The office will reopen on Monday, November 27th at 9:00am. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! +++ Some dates for your calendar:
Make this day a great day and always remember to pray, Help me Remember, Lord! Pastor Jack Happy Friday Morning, Friends!
Today's scripture reading comes to us from a very popular part of Matthew's Gospel account... "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:13 KJV) As Christians, we are called to be leaders and examples. We are called to be capable teachers and mentors. But we are also human beings daily battling temptations to watch too much TV, eat or drink things we know aren't good for us, or say things we shouldn't. Who among us doesn't struggle to stay on track? Sometimes all we can do is admit our weakness, lean on God to move us through those momentary temptations to turn on the TV, lose our temper, or keep our eyes from gazing longingly at a donut until we can no longer resist its allure. Being mindful of the Lord's leading can keep us from getting carried off by worldly distractions, and continually seeking God's presence will cause us to stumble less frequently. The surest way to always keep from falling is to start out leaning on God! So join me in the prayer, Keep me from stumbling, when you're too tired to resist and everyone else seems to be telling you to just do it. In those times, when people-pleasing seems to take precedence over purpose, God will always keep you from stumbling! +++ This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of our fall stewardship emphasis, "FOUND FAITHFUL". As we hear from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians and Jesus telling us 2 short parables from Matthew's Gospel, I will think about "FOUND FAITHFUL: Faithful with Much." We will "live-stream" on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am and then "upload" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel when it is completed. The 8:30am worship returns to the Fireside Room this week and we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at the 10:00am worship in the Sanctuary. And then following the 10:00am worship we will gather for our Second Sunday Lunch in the Fellowship Hall. Chef Sam is preparing a "Turkey Surprise" for us! +++ Also on Sunday you will have another chance to choose a door spray for your holiday decorating and pick up an angel from our Angel Tree. Our winter mission opportunities are kicking into gear and we celebrate the generosity of our entire congregation in this work! +++ We have several meetings taking place this week on Tuesday:
+++ Coming up is our new Advent Study group, "Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph". There is a sign up on the white board outside the Fireside Room for this study that will be offered both in person and via ZOOM throughout Advent. See me with any questions this week! The study group starts the week of November 27th. +++ We will welcome new members to our fellowship on Sunday, December 10th! See me if you are interested and ready to make this important step into church membership here at Immanuel! Check out all the pictures from our recent events on our website at on the News/Events tab. Make this day a great day and always remember to pray "Keep me from stumbling, God." Pastor Jack As another work week comes to an end, my scripture reading takes me to Paul's second letter to the church in Corinth. There we find these words....
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comfort us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." (2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 NIV) We comfort, you see, because we are comforted. We serve the God of all comfort. If we are truly God's body here on earth, then we are called to comfort the sick, the brokenhearted, and the downtrodden. What greater calling could there ever be than to be a source of comfort to a hurting world? You might think that you're not a person called to comfort the hurting and the lost. But really, it's not you alone that conveys comfort, but it is God's Spirit and Truth working through you that bring about the comforting. All we must do is speak it, hold it up, draw attention to it, and the love and mercy of God does the comforting for us. God's Word is always comforting. You are just the vessel God uses to carry God's comfort to the hurting. So join me in praying, Comfort others through me, when we see hurting and despair, when we can't find the right words, or when you see that no one else seems to be taking the lead. +++ Don't forget to TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK one hour on Saturday night before bed! Enjoy the extra hour of sleep and you won't be an hour early for worship on Sunday! +++ This coming Sunday we will celebrate ALL SAINTS day in each worship service. We will be remembering the saints whom God has called home in the last year and you are invited to bring a candle from home to adorn the Altar, as you remember others who served as "saints" in your life. This time of remembrance will occur as we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion at each worship service. Our Scripture this week takes us to John's Gospel account of Jesus feeding 5000 people with five small loaves of bread and two fish. And we will continue our Stewardship emphasis as I offer my message, FOUND FAITHFUL: Faithful in Little". Join us at either 8:30am or 10:00am to be a part of this special time of worship. Our "live-stream" occurs at 10:00am on the church Facebook page and then, of course, we "upload" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel when completed. However you join us, we look forward to "seeing you" at worship on Sunday morning! +++ Also on Sunday we begin taking orders for holiday DoorSprays. This project supports Immanuel's mission work and you will find a great assortment of colors to choose from. Check out the display in the Narthex on Sunday! +++ On Tuesday we offer Immanuel's Election Day TURKEY DINNER. The dinner will be served drive-through style again this year, although we are looking at other options for 2024! There are still a few helpers needed, as we communicated in this week's Family News and we need additional apple and pumpkin pies. Check the signup board on Sunday, please! You can also purchase presale tickets after each worship service in the Narthex! A Camillus Election Day tradition continues again this year! +++ Our church Board of Trustees meet on Wednesday, 11/8 at 4:00pm in the Fireside Room. Trustees please try to be here for this important meeting! +++ Next Sunday we offer our "Second Sunday Lunch" following the 10:00am worship service. Chef Sam is whipping up his famous "Turkey Surprise" and we will have great food and fellowship together! Please make sure to sign up near the Fireside Room on Sunday so we plan for all attending. Thanks! Make this day a great day and remember to pray.... Comfort others through me! Pastor Jack |
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January 2025