Happy Craft Fair Day!
That's right! The great Fall Craft Fair for Missions starts today! As our crafters are preparing to dazzle us with their talents, here are some words I read in Mark's Gospel account... "Be not afraid, only believe." (Mark 5:36 KJV) Who among us has ever battled self-doubt? Who can say they've never been afraid of failing? Sometimes it seems the harder we try, the more we mess things up! But we know that God rewards those who diligently seek Him and overtakes with abundant blessings those who put their trust in God's kingdom first. All God asks is that we acknowledge Him in all that we do; that we trust Him unwaveringly. God loves us and cares for us watchfully, affectionately, and carefully. Faith works by love; and God is eternally faithful, unchanging in His determination to love you and show you God's infinite mercy. God is love. We are commanded to walk in love and to love God with all our heart, leaning not on our own understanding, but in all things completely relying on God. So, when you can't see a solution to your problem, when you're tired and at your wits end, when nothing seems to be working... pray that simple breath prayer, Lord, help me believe. +++ Today marks the start of the great Fall Craft Show for Missions. You can visit today (Friday 10/27) from 4:00pm - 8:00pm and tomorrow, Saturday from 9:00am - 3:00pm. You'll find some beautiful items to help with your holiday shopping lists! And you can enjoy some delicious food at Barb's Bistro, as well. We hope to see you this weekend and why not bring a friend or two with you? +++ Sunday worship continues at 8:30am and 10:00am. This week marks the start of our fall Stewardship emphasis entitled FOUND FAITHFUL. Each week we will pause to look at ways in which Jesus calls us to be faithful as stewards. Our theme scripture is 1 Corinthians 4: 1-2. Check it out and join me on Sunday as I think about this Biblical mandate. We will "live-stream" worship at 10:00am on our church's Facebook page and then "upload" the completed worship to our YouTube channel when completed. Join us however you can for worship this weekend! +++ Our annual Charge Conference was held on Wednesday night in the Sanctuary. All reports were accepted, and we elected our slate of Officers and Trustees for the next year's ministry work. Thanks to all our Administrative Council members who completed this important work. +++ We will be doing some carpet cleaning next week and as a result, the church office will be closed on Monday, Oct. 30th. The office will reopen on Tuesday morning and then on Wednesday the carpets in the Sanctuary will be cleaned. Thanks to our Trustees for completing this important work to keep our facility looking good for all to enjoy! +++ Next Sunday, November 5th we will celebrate All Saints Day as we remember those "saints" who have joined the kingdom of Heaven in the past year. You are invited to bring a candle from home that you can light and place on the Altar during the Sacrament of Holy Communion. +++ See pictures and news of events from this month as well as to get more information on what is coming up on our website's News & Events page! Make this day a great day and join me in my daily prayer, Lord, help me believe. Pastor Jack As we prepare for another exciting weekend of worship and ministry here in Camillus, hear these words from Psalm 25.....
"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me." (Psalm 25: 4-5 NIV) How do you know when to stand firm in a situation, or when to let go? Learning to discern God's will is, I think, the most challenging call we face as Christians. Often, I think we feel at a loss about how to follow the Lord's leading -- or worse, that we've already missed it. What does the Lord require of us as Christians anyway? In 2 Peter 1:3 we are told that God has provided all things pertaining to life and godliness in order that we might partake of God's own divine nature. We are told to follow after peace, to be led by love, and to be lovers of the truth. Micah sums up what the Lord requires as this: to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. (See Micah 6:8). This is all we really need to do as we strive to please God! Remember to pray, Teach me Your way, Lord... when I don't know how to respond to someone else or I am drawn into an uncomfortable situation. In the times when everything before me seems wrong I can always pray, Teach me Your way, Lord. +++ Worship this Sunday continues at 8:30am and 10:00am. I will be away this weekend and Pam is leading worship and her message title, "What Belongs to God" will encourage you to take a closer look at exactly what in your life does belong to God. Our Facebook live-stream starts on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am and then, after the worship is completed, we upload the completed worship to our YouTube channel. However you can join us, do try to worship with us this weekend! +++ Today is our newsletter deadline for articles for the November/December edition of our church newsletter. Please make sure all articles are into the office today! Thanks! +++ Our annual Charge Conference, for members of the Administrative Council will be held on Wednesday night, October 25th at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. All Ad. Council members please try to be here for this important work. +++ The great Fall Craft Fair for Missions takes place here on October 27 and 28! There will be lots of crafters, good food, and great fellowship as we work to support our mission trips groups. Plan to be here! Betty is also looking for a few more helpers and you can sign up outside the Fireside Room on Sunday to help! +++ We celebrate All Saints Day on Sunday, November 5th during our worship services. On this day, we pause to name and remember the saints triumphant who have entered into glory during the past year. If you have a name(s) to be remembered, we invite you to bring a candle from home to place on the Altar during this moving time of worship. +++ The Election Day Turkey Dinner is coming up soon! Steve is looking for helpers and you can sign up (to get the best jobs first!) on Sunday morning. Steve also will have presale tickets available for you starting this Sunday. Come and be a part of this exciting time as we continue a Camillus tradition on Election Day! +++ The November/December Upper Room devotionals are here and ready for you to pick up on the counter outside the office window. Make this day a great day and always remember to pray...."Teach me Your way, Lord." Pastor Jack Hello Friends!
This week's reading takes us to the Gospel According to Matthew and we hear Jesus offering these words to his listeners... "Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God's kingdom." (Matthew 18: 4 MSG) You know, too many of us have way too much to think about, function on too little sleep, don't have enough time in our day, and suffer from sensory overload. Demands for our attention seem to increase as we speed into our futures. Even as we are "liberated" by modern, time-saving conveniences, we are at the same time oppressed by higher expectations and greater demands to achieve, have, and become more. The more efficient we become, the more productive we must be, right? We seem to want more and more to complicate our lives. Our thirst can seem unquenchable. But there is a Well that satisfies. Let's not forget the simplicity of the Gospel -- the simple truth found in Christ. Christ is the source of all peace, joy and true contentment. Seek first the Kingdom of God and God's righteousness -- seek first God's rest. Seek the simplicity found in Christ. Maybe you would join me in praying, Help me keep it simple, Lord... when you're not achieving all you want to or are unsatisfied with your life. When you feel like you just can't seem to "keep up" with your neighbors or can't find a way to rest, just pray.... Help me keep it simple, Lord. +++ When we gather for worship this week we will hear Jesus tell us a parable about a wedding banquet from Matthew 22. In both our 8:30am and 10:00am worship services my message, "Rejoicing in the Presence of God" will have us looking at how we are called to rejoice to fully experience the joy and peace of God. We hope to see you in worship on Sunday! We will offer our weekly "live streaming" on the church's FaceBook page at 10:00am and then, following the completion of worship, we will "upload" the recorded service to our YouTube channel. And kids... don't forget our Kidz Club ministry after the Children's moments at the 10:00am worship! Lots of fun will be on the docket for class this week! +++ Following worship a small group of Crop Walk Walkers will head off to Long Branch Park for our annual CROP WALK fundraiser. It is not too late to make a donation to one of the walker's envelopes during worship on Sunday. We walk to reduce hunger in our community and around the world. Thanks for your support as we seek to eliminate hunger! +++ Please remember that the newsletter deadline for our Nov/Dec edition of the church newsletter is on October 20th. Team leaders please make sure all articles are in the office by that date so we can get the newsletter out in a timely way! +++ Administrative Council members --- please remember that our annual Charge Conference will be held here at Immanuel on Wednesday night, October 25th beginning at 7:00pm. We need all Ad. Council members to be present for this important meeting with our District Superintendent that evening. +++ Our Fall Craft Show for Missions takes place on October 27th and 28th. It looks to be another full show of beautiful crafts and offers a great chance to do some Christmas shopping in October! See Betty B. for more information! +++ Our chair yoga class continues to meet on Tuesdays at 9:30. You can join anytime! See Barb M. for information or just come in on Tuesday. Make this day a great day and remember to pray... Help me keep it simple, Lord! Pastor Jack www.unyumc.org/resources/together-in-prayerHappy Thursday, Friends!
Chimings comes to you one day earlier this week! Here are some words from the prophet Nehemiah... "Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10 NASB) What more can you do after you've done everything? You've prayed, believed, confessed God's promises, and stood strong. What more can you do to exercise your faith during a difficult situation? The circumstances just don't seem to be changing. You feel stuck in the mire of your problem with your light and hope rapidly dimming and your faith weakening. In the midst of a crisis, the last thing you feel like doing is rejoicing. But perhaps joy is like a bucket that we can use to draw answers from the wells of salvation. We are literally commanded to rejoice throughout the Old and New Testaments regardless of our circumstances. Could I suggest that you might try to reach deep within yourself to tap into the deposit of joy God has placed in your heart? When you came to the Lord He put His joy, peace, and love there. That can be the source of your strength. I have some personal experience with this, as you know. As opposite as it sounds, in the midst of crisis try renewing your strength by rejoicing. So pray, Your joy, Lord, is my strength, when all seems lost and when you have done everything you know to do! Your joy, Lord, is my strength. +++ Sunday's worship is at 8:30am and 10:00am. Our 8:30am congregation seems to enjoy being back in the Fireside Room and at 10:00am you will find us in our beautiful Sanctuary! This week I am thinking about "Balancing Grace and the Law '' as we hear again the Ten Commandments and then hear Jesus explaining about the grace of God. Where is the balance between the law and grace? Join with me Sunday as I try to figure that out! Look for our "live-stream" on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am and then the "uploaded" recorded version of the worship service on YouTube later in the day. +++ Following the 10:00am worship on Sunday we celebrate another "Second Sunday Lunch"! This month it is our annual Chili/Chowder/Soup cookoff. Lots of great recipes will be sampled and we will get to vote on the winning entries. We hope you have signed up to be a part of this fun annual event here at Immanuel! +++ The church office will be closed on Monday in celebration of the holiday and will reopen on Tuesday morning at 9:00am. +++ On Tuesday, there are a couple of important meetings for our teams to attend...
+++ I will be offering worship at Camillus Ridge Terrace at 11:00am on Tuesday, as well. You are invited to join me there for worship time. +++ For Administrative Council members.... Please note our annual Charge Conference will be here at Immanuel on Wednesday night, October 25th at 7:00pm. We are hosting 8 other congregations that evening, as well as our new District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Sherri Rood. We hope to see all of the members of our Administrative Council for this important annual meeting. +++ I have signed up to join our new Bishop in a 12-month Together in Prayer program. You can find information about this opportunity here or the website of our Annual Conference ( www.unyumc.org/resources/together-in-prayer). Will you make the commitment to join us in prayer? John Wesley described prayer as one of the most powerful ways to develop our personal connection with God. It's easy to sign up today and be a part of this exciting journey! Make this day a great day and remember always to pray... Your joy, Lord, is my strength. Pastor Jack |
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January 2025