This week's readings have taken me into Proverbs, where I read these words...
"Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do!" (Proverbs 4:7 NLT) How can we know which way to go? How can we ever be sure exactly what to do? We are told to firmly grasp the will of the Lord, not to be like the foolish... but like the wise -- to be circumspect, discerning, and prudent --- to be led by the Spirit. Without the wisdom of God, we can't know the truth. Without the living Word and Spirit at work in our hearts and minds, we would not have a clue about how to be righteous, walk in love, or minister with grace. We are able to partake of God's divine nature, God's excellence, and virtue only because God's Word and Spirit live in each of us. It's the love of God in us that brings to us the knowledge of truth, an understanding of holiness, humility, and honor. God has provided us with all things pertaining to life and godliness, including the very mind and Spirit of Christ. So... when your heart and mind don't agree, when you are feeling confused, and when you just can't see the big picture, join me in praying, Give me your wisdom, O Lord. +++ This week we celebrate PENTECOST! I encourage you to search through the drawers and closets at home and find something RED to wear to worship! We will welcome and embrace the Holy Spirit at both our 8:30am and 10:00am worship experiences. We will be talking about "Rivers of Living Water" and we will, of course, be "live-streaming" the 10:00am worship service live on the church Facebook page. Following the conclusion of worship, we will "upload" the completed worship service to the church's YouTube channel for you, as well. So you have many opportunities to worship with us this week! +++ On Saturday the Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardner's group will be offering their annual plant sale starting at 9:00am. Be here early to get the best selection of these beautiful plants and flowers! And then, on Saturday afternoon, many will gather here for a Spring Maintenance Day beginning about 12:00noon. If you can spare a couple of hours on Saturday, please join us in your work clothes and we will gladly find a job for you that fits your abilities! +++ On Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm we will gather in the Sanctuary to remember and celebrate the life of Phyllis Girvan. This time was mostly designed by Phyllis and we hope you can join us to celebrate a life well lived! +++ Next Sunday, May 26th we will receive our Peace with Justice offering for work of justice ministries around our United Methodist connection. Look for the special offering envelopes next Sunday! +++ And, of course, some upcoming deadlines and events for your calendars...
Make this day a great day and don't ever forget to pray, Give me your wisdom, O Lord! Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025