Hello Friends!
This week's reading takes us to the Gospel According to Matthew and we hear Jesus offering these words to his listeners... "Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God's kingdom." (Matthew 18: 4 MSG) You know, too many of us have way too much to think about, function on too little sleep, don't have enough time in our day, and suffer from sensory overload. Demands for our attention seem to increase as we speed into our futures. Even as we are "liberated" by modern, time-saving conveniences, we are at the same time oppressed by higher expectations and greater demands to achieve, have, and become more. The more efficient we become, the more productive we must be, right? We seem to want more and more to complicate our lives. Our thirst can seem unquenchable. But there is a Well that satisfies. Let's not forget the simplicity of the Gospel -- the simple truth found in Christ. Christ is the source of all peace, joy and true contentment. Seek first the Kingdom of God and God's righteousness -- seek first God's rest. Seek the simplicity found in Christ. Maybe you would join me in praying, Help me keep it simple, Lord... when you're not achieving all you want to or are unsatisfied with your life. When you feel like you just can't seem to "keep up" with your neighbors or can't find a way to rest, just pray.... Help me keep it simple, Lord. +++ When we gather for worship this week we will hear Jesus tell us a parable about a wedding banquet from Matthew 22. In both our 8:30am and 10:00am worship services my message, "Rejoicing in the Presence of God" will have us looking at how we are called to rejoice to fully experience the joy and peace of God. We hope to see you in worship on Sunday! We will offer our weekly "live streaming" on the church's FaceBook page at 10:00am and then, following the completion of worship, we will "upload" the recorded service to our YouTube channel. And kids... don't forget our Kidz Club ministry after the Children's moments at the 10:00am worship! Lots of fun will be on the docket for class this week! +++ Following worship a small group of Crop Walk Walkers will head off to Long Branch Park for our annual CROP WALK fundraiser. It is not too late to make a donation to one of the walker's envelopes during worship on Sunday. We walk to reduce hunger in our community and around the world. Thanks for your support as we seek to eliminate hunger! +++ Please remember that the newsletter deadline for our Nov/Dec edition of the church newsletter is on October 20th. Team leaders please make sure all articles are in the office by that date so we can get the newsletter out in a timely way! +++ Administrative Council members --- please remember that our annual Charge Conference will be held here at Immanuel on Wednesday night, October 25th beginning at 7:00pm. We need all Ad. Council members to be present for this important meeting with our District Superintendent that evening. +++ Our Fall Craft Show for Missions takes place on October 27th and 28th. It looks to be another full show of beautiful crafts and offers a great chance to do some Christmas shopping in October! See Betty B. for more information! +++ Our chair yoga class continues to meet on Tuesdays at 9:30. You can join anytime! See Barb M. for information or just come in on Tuesday. Make this day a great day and remember to pray... Help me keep it simple, Lord! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025