On this beautiful, sunny, Friday we find these words in Paul's second letter to the folks in Corinth.....
"My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9) Christian author and Holocaust survivor, Corrie ten Boom, often recounted a conversation she had with her father. Even as a child, Corrie sensed the dangers of Hitler's message of hatred and genocide. They were not Jews, but Corrie knew her family would not stand by silently as their Jewish neighbors and friends disappeared into the night. Fearing the unspeakable, Corrie asked her father if God would protect them and if so, how. She recalls that her father responded with the following analogy. "If you were taking a trip, Corrie, you would not need your ticket until you arrived at the station ready to board the train. At the very moment you need God's grace, it will be poured out on you, enough to see you through any circumstance." In the end, the horrors of Nazism did turn Corrie's life upside down and changed it forever. And yet, Corrie often stated that her father's words were true. Each time she faced an impossibly difficult situation, God's grace sustained her with hope and courage. You may never face circumstances as severe as those Corrie ten Boom endured. But, you may be just as apprehensive about what the future holds. Reach out for God's grace. God promises that God's grace will be there for you when you need it --- every time you need it. Got grace? --- GOD +++ Sunday worship is at 8:30am and 10:00am on Sunday. We are celebrating the Second Sunday of Easter. That's right.... Easter is a season, a way of life if you will.... not just an individual day! We hope you will gather here, with the rest of the Easter people, for worship on Sunday! I'll be speaking about how God has not forsaken us in my message, "Unlocking the Locked Doors". We will, of course, be "live-streaming" on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am and then "uploading" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel when completed. However you are able, be a part of our worshipping family this Sunday! +++ On Sunday we will be pausing for a few moments to lift up our Mission Team in prayer... as they are getting ready to "shuffle off to Buffalo" very early on Monday morning. While in Buffalo the group will be working on repairing damage caused by last winter's snow storms at 1st UMC in Buffalo. Thanks for those serving on the team and those supporting the team in prayer as they do the work! +++ The newsletter deadline for the May-June edition of our church newsletter is coming up on April 20th. Please make sure all newsletter articles are in the office by that day. Thanks! +++ The great spring GARAGE SALE is coming up on May 4, 5 & 6! Items can be dropped off on April 30, May 1 or 2. See the brightly-colored flyer with important information in church this Sunday. And please sign-up, on the white board outside the Fireside Room to help. +++ In response to questions generated by last weekend's newspaper article about the current situation in our United Methodist Church, the Administrative Council will offer a time of information sharing and questions and answers on Sunday, May 7th following the 10:00am worship service. We will gather in the Sanctuary, immediately after worship that morning, and try to bring everyone up to date on the current situation, as well as address any questions you might have. Mark the date on your calendars, please, for this important gathering. Make this day a great day and always rely on God's grace! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025