Happy Friday!
Today I am spending the day at the county 911 Center in ministry with those affected by the recent deaths of 2 young men serving their communities as law enforcement officials. And as I prepare for this difficult day of ministry today, I read these words from the Prophet Isaiah... "The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to the one who is weary." (Isaiah 50:4 NKJV) Maybe it's Friday, and you are asked to fill in at the church office. You're in a hurry. Nothing has gone right all day. A woman comes to the front door looking for financial help. She asks if you could help her out with some grocery certificates or a gas voucher. "No, we don't have any today. Sorry, " you say, wanting to get back to work. She asks if you know where else she might go for help. "No," you say. You don't have any idea. You just want to finish your work so you can leave on time. She walks away and you stand there for several long moments gazing after her, your heart sinking at the missed opportunity. "What could I have done?" you think to yourself. The answer rises up in your spirit -- you could have prayed with her, given her an encouraging word, pointed her to the Provider of all things. Yes, you did know where else she could turn for help. And suddenly Peter's words ring in your ears, "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" (1 Peter 3:15 NIV). So when a stranger asks you for money, or a coworker is angry, or a hurting friend calls for advice... join me in praying... Give me your words, O Lord. Amen +++ We worship on Sunday at 8:30am and 10:00am as we celebrate the 4th Sunday of Easter! This week we will hear Jesus talking to us from John's Gospel account about being the Good Shepherd. And my message is entitled, "Hearing the Shepherd's Voice". How are you doing at hearing the voice of Jesus in your life? Join us as I try to think this through for my own life. Look for us on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am with our "live stream" or after worship is over on our YouTube channel. +++ Following worship, we will offer this month's Second Sunday Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. This will be our last luncheon for the spring season and luncheons will resume in the fall so we hope to see you on Sunday. +++ New copies of the Upper Room magazine are available on the back table, as well. +++ Our conference delegates for the United Methodist Church's General Conference are on their way to Charlotte, North Carolina to conduct the business of our church. Ten folks from across our Annual Conference represent us and over the next 2 weeks there will be many decisions needing to be made for the future of our denomination. Please keep all the delegates in prayer as they serve to help us make disciples of Jesus Christ! Our Upper NY Conference website will contain updates on General Conference happenings each day, as well! +++ The Chair Yoga class offered here at Immanuel resumes on Tuesday, April 30th at 9:30am. See Barb Merckel to let her know you plan on attending. +++ The great Spring Garage Sale is right around the corner on May 2, 3 & 4! We need lots of helpers to pull this event off! Please sign up to help on the white board outside the Fireside Room this week. Thanks! +++ And kids... don't forget that Camping Sunday is coming up on May 5th at the 10:00am worship service. We will be joined by friends from Casowasco and boy will we have fun. Bring a friend to hear all about the camping ministry in our Conference! Make this day a great day and always remember to pray, Give me your words, O Lord! Amen! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025