"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
Isn't it nice of Pastor Jack to send us sunshine and warmer weather (I hear it's coming) from sunny Florida!? Thanks for sharing Jack! +++ We worship on Sunday at 8:30am and 10:00am as we celebrate the 5th Sunday of Easter! This week we welcome Reverend Dr. Russ Hall to the pulpit and the title of his sermon is "Lessons Learned." Look for us on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am with our "live stream" or after worship is over on our YouTube channel. +++ Our conference delegates for the United Methodist Church's General Conference are in Charlotte, North Carolina to conduct the business of our church. Ten folks from across our Annual Conference represent us and there will be many decisions needing to be made for the future of our denomination. Please keep all the delegates in prayer as they serve to help us make disciples of Jesus Christ! Our Upper NY Conference website will contain updates on General Conference happenings each day, as well! You can access the website here. +++ The Chair Yoga class offered here at Immanuel will resume on Tuesday, April 30th at 9:30am. See Barb Merckel to let her know you plan on attending. +++ The great Spring Garage Sale is right around the corner on May 2, 3 & 4! Volunteers are needed on Saturday at 11am and all of the following days to help set up, run the sale and clean up (see the sign up list outside the Fireside Room.) Donations can be dropped off at the church on Sunday from 11am-4pm, Monday and Tuesday from 9am-6pm. Please no drop offs after Tuesday. Please see Shelley Dawson Smith to see how you can help! Many hands make light work. +++ Camping Sunday is coming up on May 5th at the 10:00am worship service. We will be joined by friends from Casowasco. If you have thought about camp or know someone (neighbor, grandchild, friend) who might want to learn more, this is a great opportunity and there will be lots of fun. Don't' forget, we have camperships to assist with the cost of camp! Check out Casowasco's website for more information. Blessings from the church office. Comments are closed.
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January 2025