Happy Friday! As we approach the first day of May, I read these words in the Old Testament book of 2 Chronicles....
"Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld." (2 Chronicles 20:20) Carolyn had become active in activities that were not only morally wrong but also dangerous. She wanted to make a change but feared that telling her secret might expose her family to ridicule and shame. To keep the secret was painful -- she needed a friend. In near desperation, she cried out to God, "I've got to talk to someone! Please send me someone I can trust?" Almost before she finished praying, the doorbell rang. When she opened the door, there stood the mother of one of her closest friends. Carolyn invited her in and almost immediately, she felt comfortable enough to pour out her heart. Carolyn discovered her newfound friend had gone through similar struggles as a young person. She was able to give Carolyn the insight and courage she needed to regain control of her life. As they prayed together, Carolyn felt a profound sense of peace fill her heart. God knows all our secrets, our hidden fears, our desperate needs, and even our innermost thoughts. And friends the really Good News is... God loves you anyway! Ask for God's help. Ask God to send you someone who can help you find the answers you need --- answers that will help you, once again, to get your life back on God's track! Your secret is safe with me. --- GOD +++ This Sunday is the 4th Sunday of Easter! That's right... Easter is not just a day... It is a season and a lifestyle! So when we gather at 8:30am and 10:00am each week we celebrate the resurrection once again! Our lectionary text takes us to the 10th chapter of John's Gospel where we will hear about the Good Shepherd. In my message, "Listening and Following the Shepherd's Voice" I'll be telling you a little about the recent Service of Installation for our new Bishop that I was privileged to be a small part of. Of course, we will be "live-streaming" on our Facebook page at 10:00am and then "uploading" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel for your enjoyment. We hope those of you worshipping via the internet are singing loud when we sing the great hymns of our faith! However you are able.... join us for worship on Sunday! +++ We've been made aware of yet another round of "Phishing" emails reportedly sent to you by me. Rest assured, I will never ask anyone to send me anything via social media. Unfortunately, there are folks with apparently too much time on their hands that seek to prey on others' generosity. Just delete these communications as soon as you receive them. Thanks! +++ The great Garage Sale is coming up next weekend... May 4, 5, & 6! There will be lots of treasures to be found for sure. Drop off dates, for your treasures, are April 30, May 1 & 2. And thanks to all that have signed up to help so far. We can always use a few more hands... but we are well on our way to being able to offer a great sale for the community that will benefit the ministry of Immanuel. More information is available from Shelley. +++ Our church Board of Trustees will meet next Wednesday, May 3rd at 4:00pm in the Fireside Room. Please try to attend this important meeting if you are a member of the Board... because many hands always make for light work! Thanks! +++ Next Sunday, May 7th following the 10:00am worship service we will offer a time of discussion about the current situation within our United Methodist Church denomination. We can fill you in on the history that brought us to this point and can let you know what we know is ahead in the immediate future. And we can try to answer any questions you might have. We will start around 11:00am (unless the preacher is REALLY long winded!) and we hope to relieve some of the fear and anxiety that you might be feeling. We hope all of you with questions will plan on attending! Make this day a great day and know that God is always ready, willing and able to help us get our lives back on God's track! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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September 2024