Christmastime is here... Christmastime is here....
Happy Friday, Friends! As we approach this Christmas weekend, here is a thought from the prophet Isaiah... "O Lord, I will praise thee... Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted." (Isaiah 12: 1,4 KJV) You know, God's goodness is overwhelming. God's faithfulness is mind-boggling. God's mercies are astounding. What can we do but praise Him? As we drive in our cars, sit at our desks, or stand at our kitchen sinks, we are in awe of God's goodness and faithfulness to each and every one of us. God has not forgotten a single one of us; God even knows the number of hairs on each of our heads! Sometimes all we can do is offer praise in return for the Lord's awesome goodness and faithfulness. All we can offer in return for God's mercy and kindness is a heartfelt thanks. All God wants from us is our willingness to see God as He is, which will lead to our adoration and gratitude. What more can any of us do but offer thanks and exalt God's name? God is worthy, holy and just. God is majestic and mighty to be praised. Praise the Lord today with me. Join me in praying, I praise You, holy and awesome God, whenever you wake up in the morning, when you're waiting for time to pass, and when you're on your way home. Your prayer will surely put a smile on the face of God! +++ Worship this weekend.....
+++ On Monday morning, Christmas Day we will gather in the Fireside Room at 10:00am for a time of breakfast fellowship and carol singing. Just sign up on Sunday morning and plan to bring a breakfast item to share for this time of food and fellowship with us in front of the beautiful fireplace! +++ The church office will be closed from 12/25 through 1/1/24. We will reopen on Tuesday morning, January 2nd at 9:15am! Emergency telephone numbers are on the answering machine in case you need them! +++ Our Chair Yoga class is in recess until 1/9/24. And the Knit and Stitch group will resume on 1/8/24 (weather permitting). Please make note of these date changes. +++ Next Sunday, December 31st we will return to both 8:30am and 10:00am worship! +++ Please remember that all 2023 contributions need to be in the church office by 12/31/23 so that we can close this year's books and open next year's accounting books in a timely manner. Thanks! +++ And finally, there will not be a "Chimings" published next week. "Chimings" will next be sent out on January 5th! (I know you will miss me, won't you?) Make this day a great day and remember to pray... I praise You, holy and awesome God! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025