Good Friday to you, friends!
This week I read some wonderful words from the prophet Hosea..... "But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always." (Hosea 12:6 NIV) Consistency. Some of us stay the course most of the time, but most of us only some of the time. Some days we get it right, and some days we stumble a lot. Some days we might take time to pray but neglect an opportunity to give. And it's the little inconsistencies that really bring us down and wear us out. Maybe we'd grow less weary in our well-doing... if we were more consistent in doing well! The Lord is consistent. The Bible tells us that the Lord is with us continually, that He guides us continually. God asks us to be steadfast, continuing daily in the faith. We are to set His commandments continually before us, not just sometimes. (See Proverbs 6:21) This is also our hope because in doing so we will have continual success. We can continually hope in Him even as David did when he proclaimed, "I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved" (Psalm 16:8 AMP). So join me in praying Help me be more consistent, when you're tempted to slip back into bad habits or self-discipline is a challenge. When people are relying on you to set an example or you don't always know what to do, pray Help me be more consistent. Amen. +++ We worship on Sunday at 8:30am and 10:00am and we have begun our Lenten emphasis, Guided to the Cross. On Wednesday night we looked at being Guided to Forgiveness and on Sunday we will check out being Guided to Hope. What does it mean to be guided by Hope and how could we ever find it at the cross of Jesus? Join us on Sunday and help me think this through. We will be "live streaming" on Facebook live at 10:00am and then we will "upload" the completed worship service to the church's YouTube page when it is completed. However you worship this week, we look forward to "seeing you" on Sunday! +++ On Sunday you can pick up your Lenten Devotional materials including coin boxes for your use as we seek to support the feeding programs at University United Methodist Church in Syracuse. Each week hundreds of people are fed at this amazing ministry and our support is critically needed as resources are stretched while the need increases. Thanks for being a part of this dynamic ministry at our sister church! +++ The church office will be closed on Monday in observance of President's Day and will reopen on Tuesday morning at 9:15am. +++ Tuesday is also the deadline for articles for our March/April edition of the church newsletter. Please have your articles into the office on Tuesday so we can meet our publishing deadline. +++ Our Lenten Bible Study, based on being Guided to the Cross, meets again on Wednesday at 1:00pm in the Fireside Room. We have room for more friends to join us and you can get a book from me on Sunday! +++ Check out the new pictures of our latest Second Sunday Lunch on this website. I think we have a great website presence and we are doing lots of evangelism through this gift of technology! Make this day a great day and remember to pray, Help me be more consistent. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025