Welcome to the end of another work week, Friends!
As I return to the office after a few days of "retreat" with our Bishop and clergy, I offer you these words from James... "Let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:4 KJV) Most of us spend our days rushing from one task to the next. We talk fast, we walk fast, and expect fast service, fast cash, and fast credit. Red lights don't turn green fast enough for us. Our meals must be ready instantly. Things just don't happen quickly enough. We grind our teeth while on hold, waiting in line, or even waiting for the Web page to download.... because we hate to wait! If we continue to move through life in a state of perpetual haste, we will surely sacrifice opportunities to hear the Holy Spirit speak. Growth and maturity become evident as we exercise this discipline. In addition, an abundance of patience is required to be a good listener, counselor, or teacher who purposefully nurtures and cultivates others. Patience is, you know, a fruit developed by God's presence in you. Let God begin to work God's own patience into your life. So join me in praying, Grow your patience in me, Jesus, when it just seems like there is no time and there is always something that needs my attention. Yes, even when people fumble or talk slowly or I'm waiting in line just pray, Grow your patience in me, Jesus. Amen. +++ Guess what time worship is this week? If you guessed 8:30am and 10:00am you are correct! On this 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, we will hear Jesus call the first of his disciples from Mark 1: 14-20. And that text has me thinking about how "Discipleship Involves Discipline". If you are wondering about and maybe even questioning your individual call from Jesus, I hope you will join me as I think this through! If you can't be with us in the Sanctuary.... look for us on our "live stream" on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am. And, of course, we will upload the recorded worship service, after it is completed, on the church's YouTube channel. So there are lots of ways you can join us for worship on Sunday! And, if you're worshipping on Facebook live.... leave us a comment to say Hi! And you can also leave prayer requests in the comment section and we will try to incorporate these into our Morning Prayer time as well. +++ You'll also want to check out some new photos on our church website! Look under the News & Events tab and you just might see a picture of yourself at our 2nd Sunday Luncheon! +++ To all team and ministry leaders.... Please remember that your Annual Reports are due into the church office by January 31st.... so that we can assemble the Report books in a timely fashion. Thanks for helping us meet our publishing deadlines. +++ Immanuel's Chair Yoga group will take a break until April. We will let you know when the group will resume! +++ Thanks to those who have begun to donate to our new, electronic church sign! Just put your gifts in the small church building on the display in the Narthex. We hope to see the new sign installed and working later this spring! How exciting! Don't forget to write SIGN on the memo line of your check! I've already heard of one of our saints who will be tithing their income tax return check to support this endeavor! Now that's the way to creatively make this dream a reality! +++ And I hope you'll be ready to hear about Lenten worship plans and our 2024 Lenten theme, "Guided to the Cross" in the next couple of weeks. Because friends, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 14th! And this year we'll offer take-along materials to help every household in our congregation journey to the Cross together! Make this day a great day and always try to remember to pray, Grow your patience in me, Jesus. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025