Here are some words for us from Psalm 139....
"You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139: 13-14) Daniel Webster's eldest daughter was married to John Colby, considered one of the most wicked, godless men in this neighborhood when it came to his awful behavior. He seemed to have no respect at all for God and often used God's name in a derisive manner. Then Webster heard that Colby had undergone a change. He decided to pay him a visit and see for himself. On entering his daughter's home, Webster noticed a large-print Bible opened on a table. Colby had been reading it before he answered Webster's knock on the door. The first question Colby asked was, "Are you a Christian?" When he was assured of Webster's faith, he suggested that they kneel together and pray. After the visit, Webster told a friend, "Here was a man as unlikely a Christian as any I have ever seen; and he has gone his godless way until now, with old age and habits hard to change! Yet he is now a penitent, trusting, humble believer!" It seems God never gave up on John Colby. You too are precious to God. The Bible says that God knew you and loved you long before you were even aware of God. No matter how you treated God in the past, God has never given up on you. Just ask God and find out for yourself. I don't take your name in vain. --- GOD +++ We gather for worship on Sunday at 8:30am and 10:00am and our 10:00am worship service will, of course, be "live-streamed" on the church's Facebook page for all to enjoy. After the worship is completed, we "upload" the completed service to our YouTube channel, as well. We are so thankful that we have so many joining us in our "virtual" congregation each week. Don't forget to leave us a comment to say "Hi" while you are worshipping with us! This week is the 4th Sunday after Epiphany we will continue our reading of Paul's first letter to the church in Corinth. My message, "What Does God Choose?" has me thinking about each of us recognizing and accepting God's call on our lives. Join us for worship here in the Sanctuary or via the internet on Sunday morning! +++ If you are a team or ministry leader please remember that Annual Reports are due in the church office by Wednesday, February 1st. We appreciate your help so that we can meet our publishing deadline schedule. Look for full copies of Immanuel's Annual reports to be available in the next few weeks! +++ Just a reminder to SPRC and Ad Council members... our February meetings have been moved up one week to February 7th! Please mark your calendars! +++ Our Dinner and a Movie night is filling up quickly! We will gather on Saturday night, February 11th for a potluck dinner and a viewing of "The Shack"! Please sign up this weekend, on the white board outside the Fireside Room, as seating is limited at this event! +++ Look for details next week about our 2023 Lenten Study group! Plans are underway now and we hope to have a great group for our study and discussion each week! Make this day a great day and remember... God loves YOU! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025