Happy Friday, friends!
This week my reading took me to Paul's letter to the Romans where I was reminded of these simple words.... "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2 NIV) Self-imposed limitations. Preconditioned thinking. Limited perceptions. We've all heard how our thoughts determine our life experience and level of success. Visualization and positive thinking can be powerful forces while negative mindsets and destructive thought patterns limit us. We are told in Romans 12:2 to be transformed by the renewing of our minds -- but what exactly does that mean? Ephesians 4: 23-25 (AMP) tells us to be "constantly renewed in the spirit of our mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], and put on the new nature... created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness." But often that seems to be such a tall order! But we have been given all things pertaining to life and godliness so that we can do just that. (See 2 Peter 1:4) Put on the mind of Christ by reading and meditating daily on the Word. There is no surer way to renew the mind, be transformed, and become the success you long to be. So when you don't know how to pray or need to try to understand someone better... or you just need a fresh perspective... join me in praying, Renew my mind, O Holy Spirit. Amen. +++ This week we worship at 8:30am and 10:00am and the services will be quite different. At 8:30am I will be thinking about how it is that we are called to be people who are "Living By Faith". I will be talking about this thought as I look at 1 Timothy 4. And then at 10:00am we will celebrate the accomplishments of our young people with Youth Celebration Sunday! Join us to hear about the faith of these extraordinary young people. And parents... please try to have all the kids here for the celebration! And everyone is invited to wear their Picnic clothes... as we will enjoy our annual Church Picnic following the 10:00am worship service! And this picnic is a rain-or-shine event as we can always move into our Fellowship Hall if the weather is not cooperative! +++ Don't forget to return your M2 pledge cards during worship this week. We are so blessed by your gifts... that allow us to do mission and maintenance here at Immanuel and around the world. Thanks for all your support! +++ Our SPRC and Finance Teams both meet at 6:00pm on Tuesday night and then our Administrative Council gathers at 6:45pm. Members please try to be here for these important meetings. +++ Next Sunday, June 16th is our Music Sunday Celebration and we will celebrate the musical gifts of all our church's musicians at the 10:00am worship service. Wait until you hear the special music they will offer! What a blessing to have such talented people among us and leading us in worship each week! +++ On Sunday, June 23rd we begin our summer schedule with one worship service at 9:00am each week! I apologize if I misquoted the time...WE WILL WORSHIP AT 9:00 AM each Sunday through the Labor Day weekend! Thanks! +++ On Saturday, June 22nd I will be riding my bike 20.2 miles in the Ride For Roswell in Buffalo to raise needed funds for cancer treatment and research. See the display in the Narthex if you'd like to be involved! +++ We have a new resident of Camillus Point who is looking for a ride to the 10:00am worship service each week. Is this a ministry you could help with? If so, see me on Sunday! Make this day a great day and always pray, Renew my mind, O Holy Spirit. Amen. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025