Greetings, Friends! Today we hear from the Book of Genesis for these words...
"God created man in his own image, in the image of God. God created him; male and female God created them." (Genesis 1:27) When Darwin's "theory of evolution" was first introduced into our public schools, it was considered just that -- a theory. These days, evolution is taught as a foregone conclusion. Most thinking people would agree that some form of evolutionary process is at work on the earth. However, it's silly to suggest that the theory posted by Darwin eliminates the possibility of a creative God who authored the universe. If we follow the "evolutionary trail" backward to its farthest point, we are still left to wonder, "How did it all begin?" The discussion about what came from what will always find its way back to the hand of God. So why does the discussion rage on? Because distancing ourselves from our Creator relieves us of the responsibility of responding to God. It allows us to feel like the captains of our own ships, owing our existence to a simple series of accidents. What a shame! For when we deny our Creator, we deny the song that is embedded in our hearts. It cuts us off from our true identity and leaves us floundering in a sea of insecurity and uncertainty. No matter what you might think about the "theory of evolution," God predates it! Open your hearts to see your Creator and experience God's great love for you! Darwin says to tell you that he was wrong. --- GOD +++ Remember the old joke about what happens after the last hymn on Daylight Savings time day? The answer is... those who forgot to change their clocks arrive for worship! Don't be one of those people! Make sure you "Spring ahead" one hour on your clocks before going to bed on Saturday night! +++ This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of Lent, and we will hear about and meet the Blind Man from John's Gospel account. Talk about a guy who needed God's Amazing Grace! Wait till you hear all about his journey to sight! We worship at 8:30am and 10:00am and, of course, our 10:00am worship is live streamed on the church's Facebook page. Following worship, the completed service is then uploaded to our YouTube channel, as well! You have many ways to join us for worship this week! At our 10:00am worship we will welcome Konrad and Ezra Hughes to the waters of Holy Baptism. Their parents were married here at Immanuel in 2019 and now we will welcome the whole family as we gather at the font! +++ Check out the Installation Worship Service of our new Bishop, Bishop Hector Burgos Nunez on Saturday at 2:00pm livestreamed from the Liverpool UMC sanctuary. Be a part of welcoming Bishop Hector.... and you just might see a familiar face or two assisting in worship! +++ New this week.... we will offer a new worship service of Healing and Anointing Prayer at 12:00 noon in the Fireside Room. This informal worship will invite us to be in specific prayer for your needs for healing and restoration. We will pray for physical and emotional healing, as well as healing of relationships and situations in your life. We will offer this worship opportunity every 2nd Sunday of the month at 12:00 noon! +++ Our Finance and SPRC teams both meet on Tuesday evening at 6:00pm next week, March 14th. If you are a member of one of these teams, please mark your calendars and plan to attend as we do the "business" of our church. +++ Next Sunday, March 19th, we begin receiving orders for Easter flowers to decorate our altar for Easter. This year the altar will be decorated with multi-color Chrysanthemums! Each plant will cost $10 and can either be taken home, or donated to one of our shut-ins. Look for your order form online or next Sunday, please! Make this day a great day and always accept and return God's love for you! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025