Happy Friday! Here are some words for us to consider from Matthew's Gospel...
"Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it." (Matthew 7:14) Many years ago when Egyptian troops conquered Nubia, a regiment of soldiers was crossing the Nubian desert with an Arab guide. Recognizing that they had limited water and were suffering from great thirst, the soldiers were deceived by the appearance of a beautiful lake on the horizon. They insisted that their guide take them to its banks. The guide, who knew the desert well, knew that what they were seeing was just a mirage. In vain, he told the men that the lake was not real. He refused to lose precious time by wandering from their designated course. Angry words led to blows and in the end, the soldiers killed the guide. As they moved toward the lake, it receded into the distance. Finally, they recognized their error -- the lake was only burning sand. Raging thirst and horrible despair engulfed the soldiers. Without their guide, the pathless desert was a mystery. They had been so sure they knew what was best. Instead they had sealed their own fate. You may be certain you know exactly what's right for your life, what will bring you happiness and success. You may in fact be so sure that you feel you don't need God's help. Don't deceive yourself. Only God knows the beginning from the end.... and every step along the way. Going my way? --- GOD +++ On Sunday we celebrate the 5th Sunday of Lent at both 8:30am and 10:00am. And this week we will meet the apostle Paul. We will hear about how God's amazing grace changed Paul's life and changed him from a Christian-hating Pharisee.... to one of the strongest witnesses for Jesus. We will continue "live streaming" the worship service at 10:00am on the church's Facebook page and then "uploading" the completed worship to our YouTube channel. Be sure to join us for worship on Sunday! +++ We continue with our exciting Kidz Club program each week at 10:00am and Alex is looking for helpers to assist her with the kids. If you could spare perhaps one Sunday every couple of months, please sign-up on the white board outside the Fireside Room! We guarantee you'll have a great time with these kids! +++ Today and Saturday is our annual Spring Craft Show! Check out the selection on Friday from 4-8pm or on Saturday from 9am-3pm. You will find some beautiful crafts and a good time to be had by all. Barb's Bistro will be open and this is a great event to invite a friend to join you! We hope to see you all there! +++ Easter Flower orders continue on Sunday. See Phyllis on Sunday to order your Chrysanthemums to decorate our Easter altar. +++ Our Holy Week Schedule is as follows: Palm Sunday Worship..... at 8:30am and 10:00am! Holy Thursday ...... worship at 7:00pm. Good Friday... a recorded meditation on our Facebook page Easter Sunday...... worship at 8:30am and 10:00am! +++ Plans are underway for our spring Mission Trip to Buffalo April 17-21, 2023. And there is still time to become a part of the group! See Mike B. or Jerry S. to get involved. Remember the old saying, friends... Many hands make light work! We need your hands! Make this day a great day and enjoy your journey each day with God! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025