This morning I read, once again, these great words from Paul to the church in Corinth...
"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that you, always having sufficiency in all things, may abound in every good work." (2 Corinthians 9:8 KJV) We've always been told that preparation is the ultimate key to success. We know that champions are those who are better prepared than their opponents. Victories are won through training and preparation. And there is no better way to take advantage of opportunities that come your way than to be prepared for them. Paul tells Timothy, "Who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences will ... be fit and ready for any good work" (2 Timothy 2:21 AMP). Preparation requires self-discipline. As a soldier preparing for war, or an athlete for competition, we must set ourselves apart and press forward. (See Philippians 3:14.) How do we do that you ask? Through studying the Word of truth that transforms us. There is no better preparation than being fully grounded on the foundation of the Truth. So when you're waiting for a breakthrough, or making plans for the future or seeking your calling and purpose try joining me in praying, Prepare me for every good work, O Lord. +++ Assuming that you remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night, we will see you for worship at 8:30am and 10:00am on Sunday morning! This week we arrive at the 4th Sunday of Lent and my message is "Guided to Trust". How does Jesus teach us to trust from the cross of his crucifixion? And how can we learn to be more trusting individuals? Join us on Sunday morning as I try to figure this out! Our worship is "live streamed" on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am and then "uploaded" to our YouTube channel when completed. This week I'll be asking those worshipping from home to tell us when it is that you are participating in worship and where you are located as you worship. Let's see what kind of responses we get to those questions! +++ On Sunday we also celebrate UMCOR Sunday with a special church-wide offering to support the important work of our United Methodist Committee On Relief. UMCOR is always one of the first critical responders at the scene of disasters throughout the world and this is our chance to help in that life-changing work. Look for the special offering envelopes as you enter the Sanctuary on Sunday and thanks for your generosity. +++ Following the 10:00am worship on Sunday, we will enjoy another terrific Second Sunday Luncheon offered by our Fellowship Team. We will enjoy a great meal and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall! +++ Our SPRC and Finance Teams will meet on Tuesday night at 6:00pm and then our Administrative Council will meet at 6:45pm. Members please make sure you're with us for these important meetings. +++ Fundraising continues for our new, electronic church sign! We are about 50% of the way to meeting our needs and the sign should be installed in the next month or so. If you haven't yet had the chance... this would be a great time to help us reach our goal! Just place your contributions in the small wooden church on the table in the Narthex. And wait until you see the additional ministry we will do with this new ministry tool! Thanks! +++ We have one of the large salt flower pots that needs adoption for the coming summer! If you'd like to take on this ministry, as an individual or family, please speak to Sandy Van Epps! The first person who talks to her will be the winner to serve in this way! +++ We continue to support the feeding ministry at University United Methodist Church in Syracuse with our Lenten mission emphasis. All the proceeds of our Lenten Self Denial coin boxes will be used by our sister church to help feed hungry people in Syracuse. We are also collecting personal care items (tooth brushes, tooth paste, bar soap, lotions, shampoo, etc.) on the table in the Narthex for their use. Thanks for your generosity! Make this day a great day and always remember to pray, Prepare me for every good work, O Lord. Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025