Happy Friday Morning, Friends!
Today's scripture reading comes to us from a very popular part of Matthew's Gospel account... "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:13 KJV) As Christians, we are called to be leaders and examples. We are called to be capable teachers and mentors. But we are also human beings daily battling temptations to watch too much TV, eat or drink things we know aren't good for us, or say things we shouldn't. Who among us doesn't struggle to stay on track? Sometimes all we can do is admit our weakness, lean on God to move us through those momentary temptations to turn on the TV, lose our temper, or keep our eyes from gazing longingly at a donut until we can no longer resist its allure. Being mindful of the Lord's leading can keep us from getting carried off by worldly distractions, and continually seeking God's presence will cause us to stumble less frequently. The surest way to always keep from falling is to start out leaning on God! So join me in the prayer, Keep me from stumbling, when you're too tired to resist and everyone else seems to be telling you to just do it. In those times, when people-pleasing seems to take precedence over purpose, God will always keep you from stumbling! +++ This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of our fall stewardship emphasis, "FOUND FAITHFUL". As we hear from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians and Jesus telling us 2 short parables from Matthew's Gospel, I will think about "FOUND FAITHFUL: Faithful with Much." We will "live-stream" on the church's Facebook page at 10:00am and then "upload" the completed worship service to our YouTube channel when it is completed. The 8:30am worship returns to the Fireside Room this week and we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at the 10:00am worship in the Sanctuary. And then following the 10:00am worship we will gather for our Second Sunday Lunch in the Fellowship Hall. Chef Sam is preparing a "Turkey Surprise" for us! +++ Also on Sunday you will have another chance to choose a door spray for your holiday decorating and pick up an angel from our Angel Tree. Our winter mission opportunities are kicking into gear and we celebrate the generosity of our entire congregation in this work! +++ We have several meetings taking place this week on Tuesday:
+++ Coming up is our new Advent Study group, "Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph". There is a sign up on the white board outside the Fireside Room for this study that will be offered both in person and via ZOOM throughout Advent. See me with any questions this week! The study group starts the week of November 27th. +++ We will welcome new members to our fellowship on Sunday, December 10th! See me if you are interested and ready to make this important step into church membership here at Immanuel! Check out all the pictures from our recent events on our website at on the News/Events tab. Make this day a great day and always remember to pray "Keep me from stumbling, God." Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025