Hello Friends!
On this beautiful day here in Central New York, I read these words in the 14th chapter of John's Gospel account... "When the Father sends the Counselor as my representative - and by the Counselor I mean the Holy Spirit - he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I myself have told you." (John 14:26 NLT) You know, people are forgetful by nature. History repeats itself. Sometimes conversations are called "scripts"... because they are used over and over again. We are told to renew our minds, that faith comes by hearing and hearing again, and that the Holy Spirit will bring all things to remembrance. If we weren't forgetful beings, why would the Bible tell us this? Sometimes it seems we'll never get it right. Our intentions are good, our plans are sound -- we can organize and strategize -- but then we completely forget what it was we set out to do. We are creatures of habit, of convenience, and though we mean well, we don't always remember what it was we meant to do long enough to follow through. We intend to call, or write, or send a donation, or pray --- but we just forget! One of the enemy's primary techniques is to keep you so busy that you forget what it is that God has put it on your heart to do. Write down your vision, just in case you forget. Join me in praying, Help me remember, Lord when -- my family is demanding my attention or I'm running from one thing to the next. When I can't stay focused or I'm trying to do too many things at once we should pray, Help me remember, Lord! +++ Worship on Sunday is at 8:30am and 10:00am and this Sunday is Commitment Sunday! We ask you to pray over and return your Estimate of Giving card for our 2024 General Fund Spending Plan. This is the last week of our Stewardship Program, FOUND FAITHFUL and my message is entitled, FOUND FAITHFUL: Faithful With All". We will hear from Psalm 8 about the majesty of the world God created for us and Matthew's Gospel where Jesus shares the Parable of the Talents with us. And we will try to answer that age old question.... how should we respond in light of all God has given us? Your Estimate of Giving cards can, of course, be mailed to the church office and please remember that we are asking everyone (including those who give electronically) to complete an Estimate of Giving card to help our Finance Team in their important work! Thanks for your support of the mission and ministry of Immanuel! Whether in the Sanctuary or on Facebook at 10:00 am or YouTube later, we can't wait to "see you" in worship on Sunday! +++ On Sunday you can pick up your Door Sprays following worship! Thanks to all who supported this fundraiser for our Mission work! +++ There are only 12 angels left on the Angel Tree! If you are planning on being a part of this mission, make sure to grab an angel or two ASAP! They are going like hot-cakes! And this week the Mitten Tree will also be available in the Narthex for your gifts! +++ The church office will be closed next week from Wednesday-Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. The office will reopen on Monday, November 27th at 9:00am. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! +++ Some dates for your calendar:
Make this day a great day and always remember to pray, Help me Remember, Lord! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025