Happy Friday Friends!
This week I read these words from Psalm 36…. “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” (Psalm 36: 5 NIV) Maybe you are like me and think that sometimes we might have strayed outside of where God can love us. Maybe we have made some wrong choices in life, or taken a path we should have avoided, or not been the people God calls us to be. And often, in my own guilt, I am embarrassed to have my faults known to God. But the reality is that God already knows my faults… and still loves ME! And YOU! Isn’t that a joy to remember? And the ability of God’s love to reach even to the skies means that I can never come to the end of God’s love; it is limitless and everlasting! Thanks be to God! +++ On Sunday we worship at both 8:30am and 10:00am. My message, “Forgiving From our Hearts” has me looking at the story of Joseph from the Book of Genesis and Jesus’ teaching on exactly how many times we need to forgive others. We will be “live-streaming” the 10:00am worship on the church Facebook page and then “uploading” the completed worship to the YouTube channel, as well. +++ Last week we kicked off our KIDZ CLUB ministry with a great start. Julie Bills spent time with the kids and it seems everyone had a great time! We hope to see all the kids in worship again this week as Miss Julie has another exciting time planned! +++ We had a good start to our Chair Yoga class this past Tuesday morning. And it’s not too late to get involved. We gather on Tuesday morning at 9:30am in the church Nursery! See Barb M. for details. +++ Our Trustees have made the decision to cancel the upcoming Fall Workday on October 14th. We will look to organize a springtime event to address some building needs after the long winter ahead. +++ In October we will enjoy the annual Chili/Chowder/Soup cookoff competition on Sunday, October 8th. Many of our finest cooks are preparing their offerings for the big event. Are you ready to try your hand at making a delicious soup, chili, or chowder that just might be voted the favorite of the day? Sign up on the white board outside the Fireside Room, please. +++ For the more information and pictures of our events, be sure to check out our News & Events menu item. Make today a great day and enjoy the limitless love of God! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025