Hello Friends!
It is good to be back at work and doing ministry once again! Today I found these words in Philippians.... "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13 NIV) The words "I can't" or "I'll never" echo through our minds many times in our lives. Self-doubt might be keeping you from accomplishing all that God has for you to do. How often have you felt "unable" to pursue a dream that keeps tugging at your heart, maybe even keeping you awake at night? You may find yourself continually feeling dissatisfied with the status quo. Fortunately, those who put their hope in Christ can rely on God's promises. God assures us that all things are possible for those who believe; that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength --- especially when we are weak. If God is for you, who can prevail against you? God will help you to accomplish all the things that God has put in your heart to do. So when you feel weak or afraid, are not sure what to do, or lack confidence in your own skills--- just remember to pray"I can do all things through you, O Lord!" +++ This Sunday we worship at 9:00am in our beautiful, air conditioned and prayer conditioned Sanctuary! We hope you'll join us and if summer has you traveling just join us live on our church's Facebook page at 9:00am. Or you can watch the recorded service which we will "upload" to our YouTube channel when the service is complete. This Sunday we will hear the story of Joseph and I will be talking about our human proclivity to judge others. My message "How Can We Judge?" will see us looking at how so often our judgments are based on incomplete or inaccurate information. I can't wait to greet you all in worship on Sunday morning at 9:00am! +++ This Sunday is also the deadline for newsletter articles for the September/October edition of our church newsletter. Please have all your articles into the office on Sunday to help with our publication date! Thanks! +++ The Upper Room magazines for September and October are available on the back table in the Narthex. +++ Mark your calendars now for 2 great events on the weekend of September 9th and 10th. On Saturday the 9th we will be building beds in our parking lot in a joint mission work with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. We'll need lots of helpers of varying skill levels. See Shelley for more information and to get involved. Then on Sunday September 10th we'll enjoy our first "2nd Sunday Luncheon" after the 10:00am worship service. The menu includes Barb's world famous Macaroni and Cheese! Look for the sign-up sheet outside the Fireside Room soon and join us for this new monthly ministry here at Immanuel. +++ Also happening on Sunday, September 10th we will return to our fall worship schedule of 2 worship services at 8:30am and 10:00am. Mark your calendars! Make this day a great day and remember to fully rely on God's promises! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025