As we get ready for another weekend of worship and ministry, here are some words from Proverbs for us to consider...
"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18) Antonio Salieri was an ambitious, although mediocre eighteenth-century composer who offered this prayer in the popular film on Mozart's life, Amadeus: "Lord make me a great composer. Let me celebrate Your glory through music and be celebrated myself. Make me famous throughout the world, dear God; make me immortal. After I die, let people speak my name forever with love for what I wrote. In return, I will give You my chastity, my industry, my deep humility, my life." When it became obvious to the superficially pious Salieri that he would never be as gifted as the roguish Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, he became insanely jealous of Mozart and planned to destroy him. He also turned from God. As far as Salieri was concerned, God had betrayed him. God had failed to answer his prayer. In a very powerful scene in the movie, Salieri takes a crucifix from the wall in his room and places it into the fire. Don't let pride and ego keep you from the love of God. No matter what you may have planned for your life, God's plan is still grander. Put away selfishness and cruel ambition. God will give you a life of fulfillment and peace in exchange. LEGGO YOUR EGO. --- GOD +++ This Sunday we worship at 9:00am and my message, Living Sacrifices, is based on Paul's letter to the Romans. I am hoping to think about what true spiritual worship looks and feels like. Of course we will offer a "live stream" at 9:00am on the church's Facebook page and then an "uploaded" recorded version on YouTube following the service's completion. We do understand that YouTube continues to make small changes that have delayed the posting of worship the last couple of weeks and we are working to correct that situation this week! Pray for us! +++ Remember our BIG MINISTRY weekend coming up on September 9th and 10th! On Saturday 9/9 we will gather in the parking lot to build beds for our friends at Sleep in Heavenly Peace! There is a sign up sheet outside the Fireside Room and if you can't make it that day but still want to be involved we are looking for NEW sheets, comforters, blankets and pillows for twin size beds. OR... you can make a monetary donation and we'll do the shopping for you! See Shelley D-S. to get involved. THEN... on Sunday 9/10 we return to our schedule of 2 worship services at 8:30am and 10:00am. We will also enjoy the first of our "Second Sunday Lunches" following the 10:00am worship service! Again we need you to sign up to make sure we have enough of Barb's world famous Mac and Cheese for everyone! There is nothing to bring except yourself to this month's lunch! Check with Barb M. for more information! +++ On Tuesday, 9/12 the popular Chair Yoga class returns at 9:30am! Barb M. will be offering this time to help you limber up and enjoy some physical activity geared for many different levels! +++ Saturday, September 16th is our Trustee's Fall Work Day! The Trustees have several jobs needing to be completed and again, all skill levels are needed. If you can help for a few hours, sign up outside the Fireside Room to get involved! We received this note from Pastor Candace Lawrence: "Dear Immanuel UMC family, I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of Immanuel again and to help out when needed these past several weeks. Even though I was with you for a sad reason, it was a pleasure to worship with you, to spend time with old friends, to meet new friends, and to support one another through this time. Thank you for your warm welcome. Thank you for the gift certificate, which was a lovely surprise. We will enjoy using it. Most of all, thank God for all of you, and for the blessings we shared in our time together. Grace and peace, Candace" Make this day a great day and look for a way to share God's love with someone around you today! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025