I have been thinking a lot about location lately and today these words struck me...
"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" (Matthew 16:26) Sadhu Sundar Singh was born into an Indian family of high caste. When he became a Christian he told his parents of his decision to follow Christ, and they said, "You have broken caste." They immediately banished him from their home. It was the wet season, and the rain was coming down hard as he left his home, clad only in his insubstantial Indian robes. He sat under a nearby tree all night, soaked to the skin. He said that he felt so radiantly happy, however, that he forgot any physical discomfort. He now had the freedom to travel throughout the region telling the Gospel story of Jesus. In fact, he became known as the apostle of India. Once he went into Tibet, where he was arrested, put into a pit, and branded with irons. He bore those scars for the rest of his life. While speaking later in England he said, "I am going back to do what I have done. I am quite aware of the cost." Sometimes after his return to India, he disappeared and appears to have suffered a martyr's death. Singh willingly moved from "high caste" in India into "servant's caste." Why? Because He believed that the best life this world has to offer could not compare to the promise of eternity in God's presence. Where will you spend eternity? When it comes to eternity, three things matter, location, location, location. --GOD +++ This week worship is at 9:00am for the last time this summer! Our lectionary takes us to Romans 12 and Paul's thoughts about loving and living in harmony. And my message, "Overcoming Evil with Good" has me thinking about how each one of us is called to forgive without expectation of a return. Be here and think this through with me. We will, of course offer a "live-stream" of the worship at 9:00am on our church's Facebook page and then "upload" the completed worship to our YouTube channel. So you will have many ways to worship with the people of Immanuel this holiday weekend. We will also be celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion together, as well. We can't wait to "see you" in worship on Sunday! +++ A supply of 2024 calendars have arrived and are on the back table in the Narthex, from our friends at Buranich Funeral Home. Pick up your copy when you visit the church. +++ Remember that the Chair Yoga group resumes on Tuesday September 12th at 9:30am in the church Nursery. Barb M. has some fun planned and that class is at a skill and ability level so that everyone can participate safely. See Barb M. for details! +++ Our Choir resumes rehearsals next Thursday night, September 7th at 6:30pm. Rehearsals are about an hour and Dan has some great music picked out for us to sing. If you have been thinking about trying the choir.... this is the perfect opportunity to do so! We not only sing God's praises... we have great fellowship, as well. See you on Thursday evening! +++ Next weekend is our BIG fall season ministry kick-off! On Saturday, September 9th lots of folks will be gathering in our parking lot to help with building beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace. We have jobs for all skill levels and lunch will be served as we work. Sign up on the white board outside the Fireside Room and help us make sure that every child in Central New York has a bed to sleep in at night! Then... on Sunday, September 10th we return to 2 worship services at 8:30am and 10:00am and welcome back the choir to worship at 10:00am. And after worship we gather for the first of our "Second Sunday Lunches"! Barb B's homemade Mac and Cheese is on the menu and there is nothing to bring except your appetite and smiling face. But we need you to sign up so we have enough Mac and Cheese for all! Make this day a great day and remember... location, location, location! Pastor Jack Comments are closed.
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January 2025