Church & Community News & Events
Immanuel United Methodist Church has a lot going on. And, we are active in the community. Check back here to see the latest activities.
In keeping with our chili January weather, the theme for our Second Sunday Lunch was snowmen and snowflakes, accompanied by 11 crockpots of warm chili, chowders and soups to try. The dessert table was loaded with seven kinds of pies and cake! A record crowd of 43 folks enjoyed a lunch of delicious food and warm fellowship. Prize winners were rewarded with gift cards and chocolates from the Chocolate Pizza Company. We ended 2024 by celebrating Dan Miller as he officially begins retirement!
Dan was involved in church music ministry for over 40 years! We are glad that Dan, Lisa and Annie will continue to sing in the choir and be a part of our music ministry. We will begin 2025 with Colin Keating as our music director and pianist/organist. Colin will lead the adult choir and he will be the contact person for special music. If you have an interest in being a part of the music ministry, please reach out to Colin! Immanuel is so fortunate to have such a wonderful, dedicated staff! Pastor Jack made an announcement during worship yesterday regarding a letter from United Methodists of Upper New York Bishop Hector. This letter is in regards to the California fires and ways to help. You can read the letter here.
You can make a gift through the UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)website. Clicking in the designation drop down box, you will see California Wildfires as the third option. It also gives you an option to give your church credit for the donation. On this dropdown box, you will need to enter our zip code, 13031 and then click on "Camillus Immanuel" if you want to give credit to Immanuel. Making a donation online in this way is the most expedient way for your gift to get to those in need. Please keep all those affected in your prayers. We are planning on supporting a team of skilled, semi-skilled and those wishing to become skilled to work on home rebuilding projects. This session will run 1 week of work with daily travel or overnight available all days. We welcome other Church Congregations as well as Individuals interested in joining our team.
We will not know the type of project until closer to our departure. Most likely our assignment will be in a reconstruction project or following another team in a quest of putting a home(s) back together. The team is made up of general contractors, very skilled home owners and those who have never raised a hammer before. Every person will be paired up with someone who knows about the assigned task. No one will be asked to do anything they do not want to do nor is unsafe. The work week is May 18th to the 24th, 2025. There will be a meeting at Immanuel UMC on April 14th at 7pm (for those close enough to be there). For information or questions please call or email Mike Block (Zoom info will be shared upon request). It is important to submit all required forms by the posted date. Any questions regarding this trip please contact the persons named below. Submit forms before April 14th, 2025. Donation Information Helpful requirements for a successful trip not only depend on the physical on site workers but the support team to send them there. It costs about $300 per person for the week to accomplish this type of trip; this is only an average and not a requirement. Those individuals joining our team who are not members of Immanuel UMC are asked to donate to support the trip expenses. This donation will help cover the cost of food, additional Insurance and fuel if you are riding with the group. There is a $16/night donation requested for the overnight (to support the local cost of the church you would be staying at), $74/per person donation to support the material used for the rebuild effort and $25/day to cover meals. The required insurance is roughly $11/week per person. Checks for financial support can be made out to Immanuel United Methodist Church – (label the check – May 2025 Vermont Mission Trip) and mail to (303 Kasson Rd. Camillus, NY 13031). Contact information Trip details and questions - Mike Block (315) 491-0497 or [email protected] Fundraising guidance – Betty Jane Block (315) 491-8256 or [email protected] Your efforts to support our Missions are greatly appreciated! Living Nativity On Saturday, December 14, 2024, members and friends of our congregation retold the story of Jesus' birth outside with young people portraying the people in the nativity scene, accompanied by live animals, songs, and candlelight. After the service, everyone was invited inside for hot cocoa and cookies. Despite the cold, everyone had a great time! Caroling at Brookdale Summerfield and Brookdale Bellevue On Sunday, December 15, members of Immanuel shared the joy of Christmas by singing Christmas carols and ringing bells with residents of Brookdale Summerfield and Brookdale Bellevue. So wonderful to see all the smiles on both the residents' and participants' faces. Join us on Saturday, December 14 at 6pm for the retelling of the Christmas story. There will be songs, live animals and hot cocoa! Dress for the weather and come hear the Good News!
What a beautiful day to gather pine branches for our annual door spray fundraiser. What is better after a turkey dinner than a lunch of Turkey a la king and all the trimmings? Our Fellowship Team hosted a delicious lunch for our congregation on Sunday, November 10, 2024. On November 5, 2024, we held our Annual Election Day Turkey dinner. We are so grateful to every person who contributed to the success of this yearly fundraiser. Whether you helped before, during or after or purchased a meal, we appreciate you! Many hands and smiles make for fun work. |
January 2025
Immanuel United Methodist Church
"Church of the Bells" Physical Address: 303 Kasson Road Camillus, New York 13031 Mail Address: PO Box 335 Camillus, New York 13031 P: (315) 487-1171 E: [email protected] |
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